Part 4

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I ground my teeth together at the sight of Walter Emerson. I would have shot him right then and there if he didn't have his own security on top of Jax. Walter rushed over to me.

"Thank you for keeping my Hailey safe." He said in a fatherly manner as he held his hand out for me to shake. I pasted a smile on my face then tightly shook his hand.

"You have quite the grip, Mr.?"

"Walls." He nodded.

"Hailey was just telling me of your amazing aim."


"Aghh a man of few words."

"You have no idea!" Chimed Hailey.

"Well I insist that you come as a guest to our charity ball! Hailey needs a date anyways and she won't need a security detail."  Walter said innocencently. Oh heck no!

"As much as I am honored by the invitation, I'm afraid it would be unprofessional." I responded quickly.

"Nonsense! You can have the night off!" Hailey offered with a smirk. You are so going to regret this.

"Perfect it's settled! It starts at 7! I've gotta go my dear but I will see you both tonight." Walter said as he hugged and kissed Hailey. This is not happening! Once he was done saying goodbye to Hailey, he came over and hugged me. Hailey could see how uncomfortable I was and stifled a laugh. I glared at her while Jax was also trying not to laugh. When I fixed my glare on him his face immediately went stoic, which caused me to laugh.
Walter pulled away and looked at us as if we were crazy, then waved at his security, signaling that it was time to go.

"Jax you get the evening off as well." Hailey said as soon as her father left, I huffed.

"What's the matter Mr. Walls?" Mocked Hailey, I didn't give her the satisfaction of knowing just how mad I really was.

"Nothing, Miss Emerson. I'm looking forward to your company." I replied as cheerily, with as much fakeness as I could muster. Jax started full on belly laughing, soon Hailey followed suit.

"I'm stuck with a bunch of children!" I laughed.

"No argument there, Mr Walls." Said Jax in a childish voice. I simply rolled my eyes.

"You two are something else." After they were done acting like first graders, Hailey decided she wanted to learn how to fight and she wanted Jax and I to teach her. We both said it was a hard no at first but we eventually got tired of her nagging and agreed.

"I think you two should fight first though, so I can decide who I want to teach me."  I laughed.

"This is what you had planned all along isn't it!" Jax exclaimed, she just smirked, while I shook my head in amusement.

"Well, get to it boys!"

"How is Jax supposed to protect you when I beat him up though?"

"You wish. You are going to have to go to that ball thing with a busted face."

"I guess there's only one way to see who is going to be looking like what!" This time Jax glared at Hailey. That's a new one. I didn't give Jax time to deliver the first blow as I kicked him in the stomach.

"Oh! It's so on!" Jax said with uneven breath. Well, this is going to end badly. Not for me though. Jax attempted to sock me in the face but I easily blocked and returned the attempt, he also blocked it. He circled around me once before making it look like he was going to jab again, but this time he punched my abdomen. As soon as he did that, he left his face exposed and I was able to land a jab to his face. He shot his arms up when I went to take that same hit, but I faked him out and kneed him in the ribs. I made sure not to do too hard as I didn't want to break any of his bones, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt. Then I swept my leg under his, which made him stumble back. He put up his hands like he was going to start jabbing but he apparently decided against it and tackled me. I wasn't expecting that! He was now on top of me and delivering a couple blows to my face and chest. I wrapped my hands around his throat as I quickly brought my leg around his neck, replacing my hands. His hands flew to his neck, which left his abdomen completely exposed. I took advantage of that opportunity and delivered a series of blows to his stomach. I looked up to see his face was starting to turn colors so I quickly dropped my legs. He started coughing and rolled off of me while trying to catch his breath.

"You alright?" I asked as I got up and offered him a hand to get up. He nodded then grabbed my hand, but instead of using it to get up he pulled me down with him, then quickly stood up and kicked me in the stomach. He went to kick me again, but he wasn't going to pull that same thing off twice. So I caught his foot and yanked him down. I swiftly flipped him over, then put him in a headlock.

"You want to tap out?" I asked Jax. He didn't answer, so I applied more pressure to his neck.

"Ye- yeah." Jax managed to say as he admitted his defeat.

"How was that for ya Miss Emerson?"
I asked with a smile.

"It was very entertaining to say the least. Anything broken?" Her voice sounded slightly concerned.

"Nope." We both echoed in unison. She sighed with relief and Jax and I laughed.

"Sorry, didn't know you had a weak stomach ma'am."

"Ha ha ha, soooo funny." She said with the unnatural amount of sarcasm.

"You want a turn now?" I asked while fully knowing her answer. She rapidly shook her head.

"I think I'll take a rain check!"

"That's what I thought." I chuckled.

"Is there anything you wanted to do today?" Jax asked after a minute of silence.

"Nope, I was planning on staying in besides for the stupid ball. It's not everyday you get a week off of college for break." Jax nodded in understanding.

"I think I'll watch a few movies." She turned on the TV and flipped through different options until she decided on watching a Twilight marathon. Typical girl. We had almost made it through the series when her alarm went off to go get ready for the ball.
This is going to be terrible.

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