Part 3

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Hailey was on her third drink when she pranced over to us. She grabbed Jax's hand and started to drag him over to the dance floor. Jax looked at me for permission, I nodded slightly. It was technically against protocol, but it would be safer for her if he was next to her, and I did need her alive if I was going to kill her.

"Care to join me?" One of her friends asked. I just waved her off, which earned me a scowl. They danced for a good half an hour before Hailey decided it was time for the bathroom. Jax looked like he needed a break so I ran ahead to check the bathroom, to make sure it was empty. Which it was, so I motioned for her to go in while I stood guard on the outside.

"You finished puking?" I said in a teasing voice, once she had finished. She didn't answer but tried to hide her smile. All of a sudden I heard someone behind us then I immediately turned around. Before I had time to react, the guy open fired on me, hitting me in the arm. I heard multiple people in the club scream and heard lots of running. I immediately drew my gun and stepped in front of Hailey. No one is going to kill her besides me. I shot the first guy in the throat then turned to get her out of there. I led her to an emergency exit and shot another man with a gun who was near the exit. As soon as we made it out the door I was met with a fist connecting with my face. It caused me to hit the wall, which made me drop my gun. I quickly countered with a few jabs of my own, before I heard a click as the barrel of a gun pressed against the back of my head. I looked over and saw Hailey being grabbed by a guy who was twice her size, she was screaming, kicking, and hitting but to no avail. It took me only a split second to know what to do. I ducked my head to the side while bringing my hands up to grab his gun and keep it to the side. Then I kneed him in the groin, which made him loosen his grip enough to where I was able to take his gun to shoot him. Which I did. I whipped around and shot the guy in front of me point-blank twice, he dropped down as I turned my attention to Hailey, but I couldn't see her. I heard a whimper come from around the corner so I ran in that direction.

"Watch out!" Screamed Hailey as she saw me. The guy that had Hailey was using her as a shield and had his gun pointed at me.

"Put the gun down. No one else needs to die today." I said calmly as I took aim for his head. The worst thing that can happen is I hit her instead. You had better believe that I wasn't going to let him kill her.

"You know I can't do that." He shouted, the. He pointed the gun at her.

"Come on, she's just a kid. Point the bloody thing at me, not her." I took a deep breath as I fired my shot. The man dropped to the ground with a brand new fashion style, lead and blood. I ran over to Hailey to make sure she wasn't stabbed or shot anywhere. When I got to her she attacked me with a hug as she sobbed.
Well this isn't awkward at all.

"Are you hurt anywhere Miss Emerson?" She shook her head.

"You're shot!" She screeched as she looked down at my arm.

"It's just grazed. I'll live." I replied as I looked at it myself.

"Thank God, you two are okay!" Exclaimed an out of breath Jax.

"Where were you?" I asked genuinely curious, when I noticed the cuts on his face.

"I came running as soon as I heard the shots. I saw you two exit and another guy was following you and we somehow ended up in a fist fight. A few bouncers have him as of now." At least one of them is alive. Jax looked to Hailey, who was still clinging to me and crying.

"Are you alright Hailey?" His voice was full of concern, but she didn't answer.

"Come on. Let's get you home." I said with a sigh, she nodded in agreement.
When we got to the apartment she didn't say anything and went straight to her bedroom.

"How did ya like the action?" I asked Jax with a smirk.

"Don't love the violence, but it was nice to protect someone." I nodded my head knowingly. I agreed with Jax halfway, I didn't mind the violence. Maybe that made me crazy or just an adrenaline junky. Probably both.

"I'll take the first shift." I told Jax. He gave me a look of gratitude then walked to the apartment we had next door to get some sleep. I sat down on the couch for a total of two minutes before I heard a screech come from her bedroom. I immediately shot up and grabbed my gun then burst into her room.

"Kill it!" She shouted while standing there in only a towel.

"Kill what!" I said, my voice laced with irritation, when I saw no threat.

"That!" Shrieked Hailey. I looked over to where she was pointing only to reveal that it was a spider.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I looked at her in disbelief.

"You do realize that you are so much bigger than it, right? I thought someone was in here." She didn't say anything. I sighed, went over, killed the spider, then went to walk out.

"Thank you Asher. That could have been really bad and you could have just left, but you stayed. So thanks." She was referring to the club earlier.

"I was just doing my job. Goodnight Miss Emerson " I replied as I closed the door. Jax and I took turns staying in the house while the other got some sleep. When I woke up in the morning I ate my breakfast and took a shower then went to give Jax a break so he could get ready as well. I entered Hailey's apartment only to find the devil himself. Walter Emerson.

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