Part 7

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I woke up with Hailey almost completely on top of me with my arms wrapped around her. She had given Jax the night off so that left me to watch Hailey. I had locked the door and triggered the alarm system when we got home last night, so there was no point for me to stay awake all night. If someone were poking around I would know. Not that it mattered I would kill her soon I was just waiting for the perfect time, the day Allison was killed, only 24 hours to go. I sighed then pulled out my phone until Hailey woke up. Part of me didn't want to get up and the other part of me didn't want to deal with Hailey unless I had to, I didn't need to make killing her any harder than it needed to be, I had waited too long for this. I was not going to let Allison's death go unpunished, I couldn't.

"Morning sunshine." I said when I saw her eyes flutter open.

"You stayed."

"I told you that I would."

"I shouldn't have asked you to but thank you for staying. I've been a little um- on edge lately."


"I swear if you say it was just your job I'm not going to be the one who needs protecting."

"I was going to say that it was okay that you needed someone to stay with you, you have been through a lot." I can't believe I just said that.

"Oh. That was surprisingly wise, how old are you, Mr. Wise guy!?"


"Dang. I'm calling you Mr. Old guy now."

"Whatever princess, but we should probably get up."

"Yeah, we probably should, but you are warm. Five more minutes?"

"Five more minutes." I woke up to the closet door opening. Hailey was standing there with nothing but her undergarments on.

"Oh, sorry. Did I wake you?" She asked.

"I needed to get up anyway. Why didn't you wake me? I shouldn't have fallen asleep." She just shrugged.

"Like what you see?" She asked abruptly. Oops.

"Oh, sorry. I kinda spaced out there for a sec."

"Yeah, sure ya did."

"I'm just going to go now."

"Well I'm done now." I chuckled then rolled out of bed and followed her out the door. Jax was standing right outside the door when we came out.  His eyes went wide when he saw me follow Hailey out. I swear he almost looked jealous. Hailey saw his face and just laughed, but didn't offer an explanation. I wasn't going to give him one either, it wasn't any of his business.

"Are you planning on going anywhere today?" Jax asked as I went to make coffee.

"How do you boys feel about bowling?" Oh God no!

"Do you really have to ask that? Who doesn't!?" Me.

"Well, it's settled then!" Hailey said while smirking at me. Darn, she must have seen my face.

"What time do you want to leave?" I said through a forced smile.

"Not until like 12"

"See how much easier it is to just tell me where you want to go." She scoffed

"This is going to be fun!" Jax replied genuinely.

"Sounds like a freaking disaster." I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?" Asked Hailey, although she had heard what I had said.

"Nothing princess." She scoffed while Jax looked like he had no clue what was going on.

"Can I talk to you for a minute boss?" I nodded and followed him outside.

"Would you like me to take the day shift so you can get some rest?"


"But aren't you tired?"

"Nope. Is that it?" He shook his head, then we headed back inside.

"Done gossiping about me already?" Hailey asked when we got inside.

"Not even close, but we figured you might miss us." Jax shot back playfully, she scoffed.

"Asher, you can have a break until it is time to go."

"Its okay, I don't need a brea-"

I wasn't asking if you needed one, go." I nodded, a break wouldn't be the worst thing.

"See you later Asher."

"Bye, princess." Then I turned and walked out the door. I got in my car and decided to stop by our house to take a shower and make something edible to eat. Hailey was a terrible cook. I pulled in the driveway and saw that the front door was open. What the. I pulled my gun out then entered the house.

"Loraine?" I called, but I didn't get an answer. I put my gun up ready to shoot and started clearing the space room by room. Once I cleared the downstairs I made my way up. I made my way around the upstairs and found nothing. Huh? This is so weird. All of the sudden I heard a whimper. It seemed to be coming from our room, so I followed the noise.

"Loraine? It's me, are you here?" I called out. The noise stopped then after a minute I heard the closet door squeak open. I kept my gun trained on the door, but quickly put it down when Loraine emerged. She immediately ran over to me and hugged me, I instantly welcomed her embrace.

"Hey, hey, what happened." I said as I led her to the bed, after she had collected herself a minute.

"I was about to leave for work, but I saw a car whip into the driveway, and guys came rushing out with guns. I-I didn't know what to do so I ran upstairs. I went to call 911 but I didn't have my phone on me, it was by the door still.  I heard footsteps, and I didn't know what to do, so I hid. They said that they were looking for you because you killed their brother. Wha-wha-what if they come back?" She hugged me again and started crying again.

"Loraine, I need you to come with me okay. You can't stay here, they might come back. I can protect you." I said as I tilted her chin up to make her look at me, she nodded.

"I need you to grab my phone and call a guy named Jax for me." I asked once we got into my car.

"Ash, I can't find it." I cursed under my breath and slammed my foot down on the accelerator, I had left my phone on the bed at the house. I just hoped I could get there before it was too late.

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