Part 6

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I followed her line of sight to see there was a guy standing at the end of the hall.

"Kiss me."

"Huh?" I asked quickly as I took my hand off of my gun, as I realized he was probably just some ex-boyfriend.

"Asher, please just do it."

"You know th-'' I was cut off as Hailey's lips crashed onto mine. What the. As I kissed her back she grabbed the waistband of my pants and pulled me against her. I gently took a step back and pushed her against the wall, when we were interrupted by someone clearing their throat.

"Hailey?" I felt her tighten at the sound of his voice, as she broke the kiss. This ought to be good. 

"Hunter." she said, her voice dry and void of emotion.

"Who's he, love?" I asked as I swung my arm around her waist.

"I'm her boyfriend. Who are you."

"Ex-boyfriend Hunter. Ex."

"Come on, don't be like that Hails. I said I was sorry." He said taking a step forwards

"And she said that it was over so back the h-" Hunter didn't let me finish before he decided to try to hit me. I easily blocked his sad excuse for a punch, then took my other hand off of Hailey's waist and gently pushed her out of the way. He went to hit me again, but this time I caught his fist. I swiftly brought his hand behind his back and slammed him into the wall.

"I think it's time that you go. Don't you agree?" I didn't wait for him to answer, but instead threw him down to the ground. He scurried up then pulled out a knife.

"Back up Hailey." I said evenly. Hunter charged at me but I grabbed his wrist then used my free hand to punch him multiple times in the stomach. He coughed, then I let him go. I didn't give him time to attack again, but used my leg to sweep under his knee. As he fell to the ground I positioned myself above him. I grabbed both of his hands and roughly brought them behind his back. I yanked him up leaving him facing towards Hailey. She surprised me by stepping up and landing a blow to his face. Not a bad hit for a girl.

"That's for using me for my money." Then she kneed him in the groin so hard, I felt bad for the guy. I could almost feel his pain.

"And that's for cheating on me." Why was that so hot?  She nodded and I took that as my cue to let him go, which I did. He fell to the ground holding himself as I took Hailey's hand to walk back downstairs.

"Thanks again." She said once we were back at the party.

"No problem Miss Emerson. That was my kind of fun." I responded with a wink.

"I bet it was. Seriously though, I owe you one." 

"It's not necessary." You aren't going to be thanking me when I'm killing you.

"You must want something." To kill you.

"I don't want anything from you."

"Well it wouldn't really be from me. I may not have much but my father just so happens to be filthy rich." She said with a smirk.

"Well in that case I'll settle for fifty grand."

"Consider it done." I just laughed.

"Dance with me?" She asked after a minute of comfortable silence.

"I don't know about that."

"Come on, it'll be fun."

"Not sure that's my definition of fun Hailey." She widened her eyes in surprise. What was that for?

"That is the first time I have heard you call me by my first name." She told me when she saw my confusion.

"Well you did just kiss me, so I figured Hailey might be appropriate, while I'm off duty anyways."

"Good point." She laughed. I sighed then took her hand once again and led her to the dance floor.

"Woah, I didn't think that you would actually agree."

"Well there is a lot you don't know about me."


"Where did you learn how to dance?" She asked while sounding slightly shocked.

"Someone taught me a long time ago."

"Ahhh she sounds important to you."

"You have no idea." She smiled and left it at that.

"The auction is about to start, this is usually where I duck out" She suggested after the song was over. I nodded quickly, this was really one of the last places I wanted to be right now. She walked over to her parents and to tell them that we were going to head out and that we needed a driver.

"Dad said we can use his driver, He said he'll have his team sweep the car." I nodded once again. When we got outside I saw that the car had already been brought up by the valet.

"Dad said they would check it." She said when I went to sweep the car for bugs myself.

"I know, but I want to be sure. I don't know about you, but I would rather not get blown up because they didn't check good enough." Hailey just laughed. Sure enough the vehicle was good to go, but it's better to be safe than sorry! The driver opened the door and motioned for us to get in the back. Hmphh, guess I am back with her.

"So was my company as terrible as you thought it would be?" She asked after a minute.

"Worse actually, and I thought it was going to be pretty bad to start with." She rolled her eyes and elbowed me in the ribs playfully.

"You are mean." She said as she rested her head on my shoulder. Her breathing slowed after a minute and I looked down to see that she was sleeping. When we got to her apartment I decided not to wake her but instead carried her up. Her eyes fluttered open as I set her down in her bed.

"Thank you Asher."

"You can thank me later, go back to bed."

"I will. Can you stay with me?" She asked, while almost sounding scared. She had been handling everything so well between the attack and seeing Hunter today, this caught me off guard, it was probably just the alcohol talking, but I still couldn't help feeling bad for her.

"I can-"

"Please Ash? Just for tonight?" She pleaded as she grabbed my hand. Well that was depressing. I sighed in defeat,

"Okay, I'll stay for a little while. Go to sleep now." I said as I laid down next to her.

"Thanks." She whispered. She slid over and put her head on my chest. For the first time I realized that having to kill her might not be as easy as I thought it would be.

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