Part 5

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It took Hailey an hour to get ready. She had put on makeup, curled her hair, and now had on a black, lace, floor length dress. She cleans up nicely.

"Well don't you look gorgeous!" Jax said as soon as she walked out, she blushed.

"Thanks." She said quietly.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked, she nodded. I offered her my elbow and walked her down to the car. I quickly checked it for bugs then went to open the door for her.

"You really do look beautiful by the way."

"You don't look too bad yourself." She countered as she blushed again. I had changed into a black tux. I chuckled at her then closed the door. Maybe this won't be too bad.

"Mind if I turn the radio on?" She asked after a minute of silence.

"Definitely." I said with a smile, she rolled her eyes then turned it on. After twenty minutes we had arrived. To say the house was big would be an understatement, it was a freaking mansion.

"I know right. Imagine growing up in that thing, I never ran out of places to hide from my maid." She said as she noticed my wide eyes.

"Wow, the princess had a maid. Can't say I'm surprised."

"Well it's not all it's made out to be, trust me." She had a glint of sadness in her eyes. I almost felt bad for her. Almost. They had a valet service so we were able to get right out. As soon as we stepped inside we were greeted by Walter and his wife, Ella.

"You must be Asher, I'm Ella!" She gushed, I nodded while letting an uncomfortable smile creep onto my face.

"Thank you so much for taking care of our little girl!"

"Mom." Warned Hailey.

"Right sorry, well enjoy the evening! It was nice to meet you Asher!" I nodded in thanks then followed after Hailey.

"Well your mom is quite cheery." I stated.

"You have no idea." Laughed Hailey.

"Miss Emerson! How are you?" Cried an elderly lady.

"Come on Lila! You pretty much raised me, call me Hailey."

"Well who is this handsome fellow you have here?"

"This is Asher. Try not to feed his ego too much." The woman smiled and pulled me into a tight hug, I hesitantly hugged her back.

"Nice to meet you! How long have you been seeing mis- I mean Hailey?"

"We're not- we aren't dating. She is my boss." Lila's mouth formed an O shape.

"He is on my protection detail."

"Ahhhh, that makes so much sense. You must be the guy Mr. Emerson was talking about. Thank you for protecting her so very much!"

"No thanks necessary ma'am. Just doing my job."

"Still. Well it was good to see you again my dear. Nice to meet you Asher."

"Likewise." She hugged and kissed Hailey goodbye then hurried off towards the kitchen.

"Who's she?" I asked once she had left.

"She is our cook, but she took care of me whenever my parents were away, which was 90 percent of the time. It's one of the disadvantages of having rich parents, as well as the people trying to kidnap you so they can hold you for ransom." She said all in one breath. I laughed.



"Come on, just tell me."

"I just haven't heard anyone talk that fast other than my housemate." She looked surprised.

"You live with someone and that haven't murdered you?"

"Am I that unbearable to be around?" I laughed at the fact that she was so surprised someone would actually choose to be around me.

"Hey, you said it not me. It's not my fault you are so unpleasant. I just feel bad for the guy, that's all"

"Don't feel too bad, I'm hardly ever home."

"Yeah, I guess that's a plus for them. Do you have a girlfriend?"


"Shocker." She said with a wink.

"Oh, I got it! Boyfriend? You can tell me Asher I wont judge." Her grin was getting so big I was afraid she was going to pop her jaw out of place.

"You are awfully nosey."

"You know it. Have any kids?"

"Let's talk about something else." I said abruptly. She looked confused but thankfully took the hint and dropped it.

"Thank you." She nodded in response. We had just found out that Allison was two months pregnant right before she was murdered by Walter. That is one of the reasons that I decided to go after Hailey and not his wife, well that and Hailey had a lot less security to worry about.

"Come on. Let's get away from all of these people." She said.

"Sounds like a great idea, I hate people." She just laughed. She grabbed my hand and led me up a staircase.

"Trying to jump me already?" I asked when she led me to her old room.

"You wish." She replied with a laugh. Her room fit the rest of the house and was massive and expensive looking. She had a king sized bed, numerous pieces of expensive looking art, and a grand piano. The room was a light pink and had highlights of rose gold throughout. She walked over to a dresser and dug through some clothes. What is she doing? Her hand emerged with a bottle of Vodka. She popped it open and took a drink, then held it out to me.

"I'm not allowed to."

"You are off work, so you do whatever you want." She countered

"I still have to drive you home."

"I'll have one of my fathers security take us home. Live a little." She had convinced me, I grabbed the bottle, took a swig, then passed it back. She took another drink and choked. I laughed.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing, just laughing that I am drinking with an underaged teenager, who I am supposed to be protecting, at a freaking ball. Not something I thought I would be doing." Especially with Walter Emersons daughter.

"Good point. I would like to think I am decent company though."

"Not the worst I've been stuck with." She rolled her eyes.

"You can go anytime you know."

"I know." I knew that I was either going to this or working and since she had to go to this, I would be there anyway. It was quite the catch twenty-two. After a few more drinks she put the bottle back. When we got in the hall, she cursed under her breath. I got ready to draw my gun, then quickly looked to see what the problem was.

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