Forks, Wa

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One small thing I have to get out of the way: I was born in Forks, Wa. Yes, that one, the twilight vampire one. For those of you that understood that reference: no, I'm not joking, really I'm not; yes, I still have family there and visit; no, again, Bella and Edward are not real so I have not seen them; and no, the movies were not filmed there, NONE of them. For those of you who didn't understand that: bless your soul and yes those are the most commonly asked questions. And to everyone, this story is, yes, based in Forks, as I was born and raised there, but no, there are NOT any vampires or werewolves in this story other than me reading Stephanie Meyer's books. Also, I'm getting this out of the way because while names will be changed places will not and I don't want anyone mistaking any affiliation with the Twilight series or author.


Despite being based from the same place, my story and I have no affiliation with Stephanie Meyer or any of her work, more specifically the Twilight Series.

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