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Valentina left soon after, her footsteps echoed throughout the night as she made every step. It was dark out, and no one seemed to be out. However, despite the absolute silence, she knew she wasn't alone. "I know you're there," she called out, pausing in her steps. She glanced around to see if her words were enough to bring whoever it was out of hiding.

She looked behind her, to her side, to her other side, and at last, in front of her. And to no surprise there stood, as handsome as ever, Elijah Mikealson. She tried her best to keep composure, but under his stare she felt so small it made her cringe. "Smart girl," he complemented, his eyes glued to her own. "Now, i'm sure you're very much aware that we have lots to talk about," he continued, moving his hands as he spoke.

Valentina only nodded. She hated how hard it was to function under his gaze, and she hated how he knew it even more. He reciprocated her behavior, and only showed a hand as a signal to follow him. Valentina complied, and followed as he led the way. The silence was not disrupted once, as neither individuals had anything to say, not right then and there atleast. However, best believe Valentina's mind was not at rest. She couldn't believe herself. How is it that she spent all this time running from him and here she is following him like a dog?

Not to mention the soulmate curse? something that is literally unbreakable. How was she supposed to explain that?

She knew she couldn't escape this, she physically couldn't. Which made her heart beat erratically. They suddenly stopped in front of a house, that was more of a mansion. "You live here?" she asked, it being the first thing she's said at all. "For now," he replied. "Ladies first," he said, his hands gesturing towards the door. Warily she waltzed in, looking around the place that definitely would not fit in modern expectations.

Elijah appeared behind her in seconds, almost making her flinch. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to make you nervous," he said, the words rolling out his mouth smoothly and suggestively. His accent did not help, Valentina's beating undead heart.  "You're not." She spat, moving farther away from him and turning so that they were now facing each other.

Elijah only smirked before speaking,"Believe what you want, however l am no fool. " Valentina didn't respond, her eyes maintaining their blankness, the tribrid refusing to give him any satisfaction,urging him to continue. "Anyway, I digress, there are many important things we must discuss."

"Unwillingly," Valentina made sure to add, she had not yet exhausted the thoughts of panic coursing within her head. Not exactly thrilled, to potentially expose her identity to the man who she believes could actually make everything she's ever done, not worth it.

Elijah only smiled before gesturing towards the couches behind her,. Immediately Valentina went to sit down. Elijah following behind her. However, continuing to stay standing, so that he was standing over her.  "You know, not in my hundred years of life have I met someone so alluring and as enigmatic as you," He started. "Usually I know anything and everything about the person I plan on speaking to, yet, you've just seemed to blend in so perfectly, and intentionally.I guess it's what makes you so alluring," he finished, his eyes glistening with curiosity.

"You speak as if I have something to hide, as if i'm some abnormal creature," Valentina scoffed. Hoping to redirect his suspicions and thoughts.  "Well you certainly don't fit into Elena's patsy mannerisms, or Caroline's perky personality now do you?"  He retorted, his eyebrow raised, almost tauntingly.

Valentina sighed in defeat, "Fine. What's the point of arguing with a man who's seen it all? I mean if there's anyone who's would be able to call my bluff it would be you. Considering you're probably the best liar I know."  She said, standing up from her seat on the couch.  At this point, if all her walls came crumbling down, and her secrets were let out, the worst that could happen is the death of both of them. She was sure someone as egoistic and power driven as Elijah would rather let Damon kiss him than meet his death.

Elijah only raised an eyebrow, "Where are you going with this?"

"I know all about that stupid curse. I know what it truly is, and I know who truly benefits from it." She spat, and for some unknown reason,  she had no care for what consequences would come after this. She just wasn't thinking of the future, she was just there in the moment.

"Careful, if you're as knowledgeable as you say you are you might want to show some respect," he warned.  His eyes staring blankly, reminding Valentina of the look he was giving Damon while they were at Carol Lockwood's. Suddenly finding herself wishing she was still at that damn party.

Valentina only reciprocated the stare, as she would be damned to shy down now. It'd only make him feel superior, and that's the last thing she'd want.

"I am physically tired of obeying you and your family's rules. I'm tired of hiding from so many things, including your younger brother. Hell I literally have nothing to be afraid of, he's only a small particle compared to everything else ..." she rambled in anger, not stopping to witness the growing anger shared on Elijah's face as well.

And before she knew it, her capability of doing some of the most basic bodily functions was gone. Elijah had backed her up onto a wall, both his hands on top of her shoulders, as he glared at her.

"Stop talking" he whispered, his voice raspy and heavy accented. Valentina only scoffed before using just enough force to push him off of her,  speeding to the other side of the room.  And before he could get back up, Valentina sped away. Far away.  Because although she knew there was no point in running away, it's just always been her first instinct.  Especially knowing how far she's come with avoiding anything that's had to do with covens and witches. The originals greatest enemy. So maybe, running away just this once was justifiable.


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