Dinner Party Gone Wrong?

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Damon Salvatore proved to be nothing but trouble, time and time again. But Valentina could have never imagined it'd go to the extent that it did. The morning after the encounter, one which Valentina still has not stopped thinking about, Damon gave her a call. 

After ignoring the first three, Valentina knew he would not stop calling until she answered. Groggily, she picked up her phone from beside her. In that moment she felt the most ashamed, distraught, and disgusted of her herself, curtsy of the events that took place the night before. She wanted nothing more than to disappear into thin air. She couldn't even begin to list all the consequences she'd be facing moving forward. She had possibly done the most idiotic thing she's ever done in her lifetime.

"Valentina? Hello?" Damon spoke through the phone. Bringing Valentina out of her thoughts. "Sorry, I just spaced because you know, it's 6:00 in the morning?!" She exclaimed. "You're acting like vampires care about sleep." Damon responds. She could sense his eyes rolling as he speaks. "Well what's so important that you need to spam ny phone at 6:00am??" She asks urgently. "Well since you asked so nicely let me tell you . . .Today at my house in one hour be there and be square!" Damon says cheekily before hanging up the phone, leaving no time for protests.

Valentina looks at her phone in disbelief. Did he just be there and be square me? She asks herself, right before screaming into her pillow. It was one thing after another, and to be quite frank. She didn't know if she could even function socially after last nights events.  Forcefully, she gets up. Mentally preparing herself for what's to come.


"You want to stake him in his what during what?!" Valentina yells in disbelief. She was now in the Salvatore living room, with Damon standing before her. "You heard me." Damon responds boringly.  She keeps staring at him, like if she stared long enough, she'd realize this was all a dream. That none of it was real. "You're crazy Damon you truly are. What makes you think killing him is easy? Just because some human supposedly gave you the right ingredients?" She questions after a moment of silence. Damon raises an eyebrow, not expecting this kind of reaction. "Working strategically works a whole lot you know.And that's why I need you there, to help me if things go south." Damon explains further, playing closer attention to her reaction to his words. Damon was many things, but blind was not one. He noticed something off about her reaction, and he wanted to figure it out.

"If things go south I'm not sure how I can help you. You just don't understand the gravity of the risk you're taking Damon" Valentina reasons. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't shake the worry off her face. And she knew it was making her look suspicious. But she didn't care, his plan scared her shitless, and not for the reasons he thinks. First of all, to pull this stunt, Damon would have to die, and she was unsure if she would be the one to disclose that information. Second of all,She knew that if she attended this dinner party, havoc would be the only outcome. She was honestly surprised Elijah had even let her go last night. Who knows what he might do if he saw her tonight. Spilling that she knew his secrets was one thing, but spilling her true identity was another and even bigger thing. A thing she'd never let happen, not until she felt secure. And the more she put herself in situations that involved him, the harder it would get to hide herself from him.

"Oh I completely understand. But it is an opportunity, and it's one that I can't pass up. So are you in it or are you not?" He asks one final time. "Fine. But if things go south Damon, you better hope Elijah has mercy on you."


At the dinner party, Valentina remained stoic. Her face remained on the people she knew, and not once during the dinner did she glance towards man whose soul is intertwined with hers. Her mind was not in tune at all with the conversation happening before her however. It was more so racing with a thousand thoughts, and the most problematic one being whether or not she should tell them that a vampire cannot dagger an original without dying. She prayed by some miracle that they'd do enough research to figure this out themselves, but as expected they did not, and here they were.

"Well as I mentioned to Jenna earlier a faction of settlers migrated from salem after the witch trials in the 1690s . . ." She hears Elijah say. After being asked about the original settlers of Mystic falls. But what really got her attention was the fact that it was clear he and Jenna, have been spending quite a bit of time together. She wanted to know what he was up to. After more history talk Valentina did not care for, as she's already lived it, and did not feel the need to reminisce, the plan was starting to progress.

"Does anyone care for some cognac?" Damon asks the table. "I have a bottle I've been saving for ages." He stands up, and Valentina follows his movements with her eyes.
"None for me thanks. Nine bottles of wine is my limit" Alaric Jokes. Just then everyone starts to get up, and Valentina follows suit, taking one last sip from her wine glass. "The gentleman should take their drinks in the study." Damon's journalist girlfriend suggests, her smile not wavering once. Valentina walks just far enough have a view of everyone in the room. Her heart thumping, still debating whether or not it was a good idea to disclose the information she knew. "I have to say the food was almost as wonderful as the company," Elijah says charmingly. His eyes fixating on Valentina for the first time that night.  She did not waver, and upheld the eye contact.  He breaks it first by following Damon into the study. Valentina lets out a breath she didn't realize she was holding in.

Jena hands John a bunch of plates, the Culprit for the predicament she found herself in. She wasn't sure if John knew the consequences of the dagger. But it wouldn't surprise her if he did, he must've done extensive research to have found the dagger in the first place. She wouldn't doubt that he had found out a few details that he spared to set Damon up. From what she knew, that man was not fond of Vampires. And the more she thought about the more she knew she was right.

She stared at the doors of the study until she couldn't take it anymore. Her body acting before her mind could. She burst into that study faster than she could think. Startled, Damon dropped the dagger he had just picked up, and Elijah turned so quickly it was almost like he hadn't even been facing the other way at all. Both men stared at her as they waited for her to explain herself. For some reason Valentina couldn't spit any words out and she stood frozen at the door way for a moment. She didn't look at either in the eye, but she could feel their eyes burning into her.

To her luck however, Alaric came waltzing in, seemingly nervous himself. "Gentlemen . . .we forgot dessert" He says, with a nervous chuckle. Damon's girlfriend lures Elijah away, and as they walk by Elijah glances at her, but not so subtly either. Valentina looks at Damon who is literally fuming, if vampire could produce smoke he would be doing that in that exact moment. Valentina acts quickly, and finds a piece of paper and pen on a desk near by. She signals both of the men over before writing a message down.

"Vampires cannot dagger originals without dying. John set you up." The message read.

Damon read the message over her shoulder, and looked at both Alaric and her bewildered. Alaric nodded as in to say, "It's true." At this, Damon proceeds the throw the paper, angry at the revelation. The trio walks out of the study together, into the dining room. Or so that's what Valentina believed.

Alaric had different plans. Open entering the dining room, she noticed Damon's girlfriend asking Elijah a bunch of questions regarding history. But she also noticed Alaric slowly approaching the original, dagger in hand. What he did next shocked all of them to say the least. Stabbing the dagger in his chest. Everyone gasped as they watched him turn gray and veiny. Valentina had to pull herself away from the group. Not only was she shocked, but pain invaded her body the second the dagger entered Elijah. It was torturous, and she couldn't raise suspicion by letting the group see her like that. She found a couch and grabbed on to the back of it for support, gasping for air.

She didn't know what to do, in any passing second anyone in there could take note of the state she was in, and that definitely was not something she wanted to happen. And so she did what she knows best, without another thought, she sped away.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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