Another Doppleganger

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half past midnight.

"Val, you must go!"

"What?! Mother I can't just...Leave!"

"Valentina this is a matter of  'do or death' I will not allow you to die because of my mistakes, am I clear?!"

"Mother I'm already dead! I'm a Monster!"

"Valentina I will not doubt my intentions, I gave you the opportunity too flee this bloody war; Alive!"

"And you are going to take it, I will not repeat myself again, you must go!"

"And i'm asking you to help me understand!  What am I? hm... What did you do to me?!"

"How am I alive?!"

"Valentina you only have a few minutes to flee before interrogation, every answer you'll need is in that book!"

"Where am I even going to go, Mother, I'm still so young! I will not survive in a world like this!"

"Valentina you are destined for great things, do you hear me?! But you will not achieve them if you are slaughtered in a blood bath we call war, created because of my, stupidity!!"

"You have 60 seconds to open up this door, Andrea Devora!"

Turning their heads to the entrance of their cottage, Both  woman shared a solum look, both knowing what was coming next.

Taking her daughter's head in her hands,

She whispered,  "Valentina listen to me, you will run and run and run, as fast as you can.  And you will not look back! do you understand?!"

Having no words, the young girl simply nodded, at last accepting her fate.

"I love you  Val, don't you ever forget that."

"I love you too, Mother."

As the atmosphere grew more intense, in every Msytical way possible, Both woman knew it was time.

"They're here."

The cottage that they both knew as home, started violently shaking, 

Held back tears weld up in young  Valentinas eyes,


Looking back at her mother one last time,  Valentina fled.

Running at an intense inhumen speed,  Causing shock to surge up inside Valentinas body.

      However this did nothing to distract her,  listening to her mother and  'did not look back.'

Lost soul ; Elijah MikealsonWhere stories live. Discover now