Chapter 30

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"Could you stay here tonight?"


IT'S A GOOD THING PERSEUS lived in the palace because I doubt he could walk for long with his condition. And my wings wouldn't be generous enough to lift us both into the air.

We made it up to the tallest tower of the castle, which was his room. I often wonder how he doesn't get tired after climbing god knows how many steps—I'm sure it's over a hundred—I finally understood. The boy is practically exercising even when he is off to bed.

The door creaks open to my thrust; darkness is all I see. The moonlight radiating from the open window was bright enough for me to see the bed as I walked him toward it. I unhooked his arm over my shoulders and carefully sat him down. Next to him sat a candle to which the wax had run out, making it impossible for him to light it up.

"It's okay, turn around, let me see your leg," I said.

He lies on his stomach, exposing his damaged calve. The bleeding had stopped, but the burning sensation was stronger. I rest on my knees and hover my hands over the wound, closing my eyes as I call on my powers.

Nothing came. I call, I beg, I plead. Nothing.

Through the darkness of my closed eyes, the image of Alex spawns. It was the time when we were riding our bikes to the park, and he fell for going too fast. It was unfortunate because it was the only day he decided not to wear his protective gear, and his knee bled against the road. I overreacted as I abandoned my own bike to help him. I pour my bottled water over the wound and later secure it with my jacket. The damage was absolutely minor. Even he laughed at my reaction. Though, it hurt me more to see him in pain for some reason.

The image was so clear. It felt like I'm reliving it at the moment. Though it quickly vanished, and I was left in the empty space of my closed eyes again.

"I'm sorry, my powers won't—"

I nearly choked when I noticed the wound closing up. The auras from my palms are responsible, and I finally realize the secret of summoning my empath powers. It's what Nike has been telling me all this time. Empathy isn't about feeling sorry for the injured but feeling relief once it's healed.

It's done. And my powers cease once again. Not wings, though. They were glowing, chasing the darkness away. I dragged my hands over the injured spot and felt the warmth of his skin instead, feeling nothing but gratitude for my powers.

"Feeling better?" I ask, watching as he sits up to observe the wound that used to be there.

"Much, thank you," he smiles at me before looking at my wings. The feathers were already touching his shoulder, though I'm sure they meant no harm. "Your powers have returned."

"Not completely, but I'm getting there," I gaze around the room, being reminded that I'm in his room.

He is royal, and therefore I'd expected right. The walls were decorated with tapestries designed only for upper-class folks. Soft woolen carpets blanket the floors we step on, and many candle lamps dangle from the ceiling, giving out chandelier vibes. A cabinet made from the finest wood sat next to the bathroom door, and a desk beside the window where he kept his school supplies. The same ones I have back home, on my own desk.

Even after discovering the secret to my powers, I recall the incident in the throne room. The king's request and the answer Perseus gave.

"Why'd you take the challenge?" I face him. "To kill Medusa."

Zelus (Perseus Reimagined) (BXB)Where stories live. Discover now