Part Thirteen

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Part Thirteen

I shake my head, pacing in front of the table. "It's not possible."

It can't be. There is no way this is possible. It's unfathomable. Ridiculous. It can't be. I can't be. And yet...

"You're a mermaid! Oh my god, my best friend is a mermaid." Emily bangs the silver piece on the table. The omitting ringing sound makes my brain itch and my eye twitch.

"Emily." I warn her. She bangs the silver piece again, the ringing sound slightly more intense this time. I grab the silver piece out of her hand, clutching it with a tight grip. "It's irritating."

She makes an o with her mouth. "Sorry...but dude you're a mermaid."

A nearby shuffle puts me onto high alert. Gently thudding on the ground makes me turn to the stairs, nana standing at the top of them looking concerned. "Are you girls okay? What happened?"

She bounds down the stairs. "We're fine." I say.

Emily gives me a look, puffing her cheeks before releasing a frustrated breath. "Are you fucking kidding me? No, we're telling her."

Nana grabs my arm, checking over me. "Tell me what?"

I stare off with Emily, refusing to be the one to back down. I've barely had time to process what just happened let alone tell nana everything. How do I even tell her everything we've done the last couple of days let alone explain what just happened under the water?

Emily shifts her gaze first, turning to nana who is looking her over for cuts and bruises. "Isla is a mermaid."

I growl, fighting my hands into fists. "I'm not a mermaid...I can just hear...this thing. I have sensitive hearing."

Emily grabs the silver piece out of my tight grip, shakes it while giving nana a look. "I have this theory nana and you are going to lose your shit, I swear."

Nana glances at me over her shoulder. She looks confused and worried at the same time. "What on earth is going on?"

I give Emily a warning look as I head for the stairs. "I'm not a mermaid, you don't have a theory."

She laughs, shaking her head. "That's ridiculous. Besides why can't you be a mermaid? That would be so cool."

I huff, climbing the stairs. I pull the wetsuit off, draping it over the railing. "Because Emily...don't you think I would know if I was a mermaid. I don't have a tail." I shout.

Emily and nana join me near the table. I grab one of the towels and wipe my face. "You have to be a mermaid; I can feel it. we just need to figure out how you turn into one." Emily taps her chin with the silver piece.

Nana tilts her head, looking to me for the answers to the million questions of insanity Emily is raising. "Mermaid? Like your dreams?"

Emily gasps, nodding. "Yes, you get it. Shit has gotten wild, nana."

I glare at her. "Seriously? Emily, I'm not a mermaid. Nana, I promise to fill you in on this but right now I need a minute."

Emily frowns. "Maybe you can choose to turn into a mermaid."

I drop the towel onto the table and take a deep breath. Why won't Emily drop this? "Or maybe I'm not a mermaid and this is ridiculous."

"But at least mermaids are real. That we can agree on, right?"

"Yes, Emily, we can. Mermaids are real but I am not one. I just have sensitive hearing." I hold the silver piece up to get a better look.

Nana makes a noise, lifting her hand up. "Um...can someone fill me in now please? Mermaids are real?"

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