point of view

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Madara pov -

Well i was feeling something wrong was going to happen my heart was aching somehow.......

I gave it a thought and remembered about y/n well perhaps it was 2:00 am at night i thought of going to uchiha compound after looking at y/n one time again...

I didn't gave it a second thought and got to senju compound...

Hashi pov

I could feel a chakra coming towards senju compound and it felt like a uchiha chakra ....

Didn't madara said that the war is ended? Then why could i feel a chakra coming towards here ..

I got up from my place and got to where the chakra was coming from..



Hashi -( i got into fighting State and opened the door) mad..aa..ra you at this time? don't tell me you are again starting the war!!!

Madara - no , i just wanted to see my sister.... that's why i came , .............can i see her now

Hashi - ( there is no point in arguing...)
Sure ... come with me ..

*Entering y/n's room*

Hashi -( all i can see was a white bed with a letter where was no significance of y/n ) ma..dara i ..i

Madara - ( my eyes were going to pop out seeing just a blank bed with a letter on it ... i opened the letter)


I don't know who is reading my letter but if you are someone from my family i don't know if you will forgive me or not i will always love you all.....

I can't live like this so i am leaving
i don't know where i am going or what happens to me ....

If you are not one of my family member please give it to them

From - the 3 tails jinchuruki y/n uchiha

Madara - (i need to find her now) hashirama she didn't have gone too far so i think we should send someone to find her ...

Hashi -( as i see the letter and heard madara i felt like it's my fault that she run away) i will send them now...

3 hours later...

????- sir madara we didn't find mrs y/n senju but we found her's.....

Madara - you found what!!?

????- her hair bow with blood that she was wearing that time she ran away....

Izuna - w...ha..t?

Madara -( i listened to izuna yet i couldn't believe my ears ....) I...ha...have to...g..et y/n now ( i wasn't able to speak as i heard what he found)

Madara - don't worry izuna i will definitely get y/n safe and alive don't lose hope.....

Izuna - i will be coming with you brother.....

Author note

i hope you will like it thankyou for reading

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