We meet agian my love

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Scott shot awake, taking in his surroundings slowly, before taking in his surroundings. A small pound of which he was sitting in, 2 small hobit holes, a shit ton of flowers, and someone who look just liked- "Jimmy..?" Scott mumbled(Wow, that's for cutting me off🙄) Jimmy smiled, before nodding his head, holding his arms out


Scott got up and ran to the man, sobbing. His hair flying in the wind, tripping every now and then, before tackling the other to the ground, both smiling like idiots. "I've missed you so much" Scott whispered, putting his head into Jimmys kneck. "I know, I've missed you to" Jimmy said, standing up, pulling the Scott up with him.

Scott stared at his dead lover, before hugging him again, this one only lasting a few seconds though. "I- SCOTT YOU GOT ME WET!" Jimmy yelled, looking down at himself, the cyanette almost crying he was laughing he was laughing so hard. "Wait, if I'm here that means I'm.." Scott trailed off.

"Yeah, your dead, but that's ok!" Scott stared at his lover, clearly not in the mood. "How is that ok!? What about Xornoth? Or Katherin, oh no Katherine's probably so worri-" "Hey, it's ok, everything's going to be ok. They're going to be happy that you're not suffering anymore, ok?" The cyanette just nodded, hugging his lover again

"You're clingy today? Did death give me a different Scott?" The blonde man laughed, looking at his boyfriend with love in his eyes, the other slowly losing his patience. Scott looked at the other, grabbing the hem of his shirt, pulling him(Jimmy) up towards him(Scott). "Just shut up and kiss me" Scott said, as the blond man smirked at this, "With pleasure" Jimmy said, closing the gap between them.

They kissed until there was no air left, and only then did the separate, both gasping for air. "Well, you still taste the same after death. I honestly thought you'd be taste like blood, and death" the cyanette said, chuckling. Dramatic gasp "That is so offensive. I was going to be all lovey and kiss you agian, but not anymore" Jimmy said, crossing his arms. "What- no I'm sorry!" Scott said, grabbing his arm, but being shook off.

"Nope, I'm just to hurt by your comment to love you anymore" Jimmy said, smiling to himself, but that quickly changed when he was pinned to the ground, and having a pissed off Scott sat above him. "Jimmy. I said I was sorry" his face softened, "So the correct response would be, 'Its ok, I still love you, since I still was to have a head'"

his face hardened again "and not your petty ass excuse" He stared at the man below him, who was a blushing mess. "I- sigh I'm sorry, I still love you" Jimmy looked at his lover, who had a smile on his face, his cyan hair dripping on his face. "Thank you" Scott started to get up, but was pulled back down by the blonde man. "Stay... it's hot" Scott just smirked, and layed down on the shorter man.

There was a moment of silence, both just cuddling on the grass, before a quiet, "We meet again, my love"

And then, Scott woke up......


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