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Because I'm just so nice and definitely because I want a reason to continue this story, here's a short bonus chapter!
Scott was just wondering around the little area they had, exploring everything when he felt a pair of arms rap around his waist. He behind himself to see his lovely boyfriend looking at them with those eyes that drove Scott crazy. Those eyes that Scott would do anything to see, the eyes that Scott melted just looking at them.

"Hello darling" Scott said, kissing his lover's cheek. "What are you doing?" Jimmy asked, turing Scott around so he was looking at him. "I'm just exploring, why? Did you need anything" the cyanette looked at his lover, bringing his hand up to cup the others cheek, pressing a small kiss to Jimmys lips, which Jimmy melted into. "Actually I did need something"

"Oh? What'd you need" Scott looked at Jimmy, and he watched as thoes eyes that he just loved so much turned twisted and wicked. He watched thoes eyes turn to pure evil. He watched his boyfriend's lips twist into a wicked smile. The smile his brother used to have.

He watched his lover pull out a knife and impail him. He watched his lover pull the knife out and drop him to floor. Scott was left with the peirceing pain from the stab wound. He watched his lover that he trusted, that he killed himself for, he watched him watch as he(scott) bleed to death. And at his last breath, he watched him pick the knife up, and stab him once more.
Scott shot awake, looking to his side to see his lover fast asleep at his side. He smiled, thinking it was just a bad dream. He layed back down, cuddling into his lover, slowly falling asleep.

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