Chapter 4

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So let's get on with this tour Alby grins. It's about bloody time Newt replied with a straight expression. This is the maze Alby started Minho is what we call a runner he is trying to find a way out and home wherever and whatever home is. The maze is extremmely dangerous each day it changes and something differant moves. Every night those walls close so that what we call Griever's don't come into the glade and kill us. What is a bloody Griever Newt questioned .

We have never seen them they sting us like that boy George I was telling you about. A long scilence breaks out Alby suddenly breaks it moving along lets go to the box. This is the box once and only once a month it comes up with supplies for the month along with a new greenie this month it's odviously you. Why does it only send one bloody boy up Newt questioned him. I don't know maybe there is only a few of us so they spread us out.

Who is they Newt asked. Once again I don't know Alby told him clearly getting annoyed with all the qustions. Let's just keep going Alby groaned. The next stop was the place Newt slept the night before. This is our garden we plant our food here from seeds they send us. Seems like you all ready now what this place is considering you slept here last night. I didn't know what it was the spot seemed peaceful and I felt like it opens up something from my life Newt told Alby. Do you remember something from before here Alby qustioned him. No all that I know is that I am a boy ,gardens make me feel connected to something I don't know what though and my name is Newt which doesn't even feel right. If you ever remember anything that could help us get out tell me okay shuck face. Good that Newt smiled.

So let's go to our next stop the dead heads. What are bloody dead heads. That's our grave yard so far only George lays there I hope I don't have to add anyone else. Alright than so basically don't die Newt snickerd. Pretty much okay so that's all we needed to really go over here we just have two more spots to go. This is the blood house we slaughter animals here for our meat the place is not often used because two people can only do so much.

Out finally stop is the map room and weapon hiding pleace. Minho draws out the maze patterns each day so that he can pay attention to the changes and try to find a pattern out of this place. There are also weapons in here for a few reasons one is for Minho in the maze if he needs a source of defense another reason is for if we have someone who is dangerous we can defend our selves we also have weapons for hunting. Now that the tours over and you have settled in its time to start working so you will have to garden and plant the seeds. You will have to also slaughter and if Minho thinks you have got the guts for it he may recruit you as a runner. Good that Newt spoke.

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