Chapter 6

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As Newt walked around his new home the Glade all he really saw was nothing but open fields and a few little 4 feet tall shack looking things. Newt saw a giant bunch of trees and thought a forest something different. So he walked into the thick lining of trees and could hear the sounds of different bugs and some trees gently blowing in the wind from the gentle wind. The one thing that caught his attention was a small black bug with red sloppy letters on the back of the bug spelling WICKED. WICKED he thought what the bloddy hell is that he whisperd to him self.

He got in for a closer look and noticed that its eyes were glossy and almost looked a bit like plastic. That was when Newt got bored and excited the forest to tell Alby about his discovery. As Newt kept walking he noticed something weird it was a wooden log about 3 feet high with a wooden board attached saying Here Lays George The Boy Who Didn't Know Better let this be a warning of how dangerous the maze really is.

That was when Newt started to put 2 and 2 together that was the second guy who showed up he was the one who got stung he went out of controle. Suddenly Alby approached Newt and asked him what he was up to staring at Georges grave. Nothing it just caught my eye. I was actually on my ways to tell you about this weird bug thing I found in the forest. Newt told Alby all about the weird bug the writing on its black back the glossy eyes.Oh I seen one of them before I like to call them a beetle blades not exactley sure what they are or what they do. I think the people who sent us here made them. Not a bad idea Newt told him blankly.

So have you gotten a better feel of this place yet? Yeah I'm starting to feel alot better about calling this place home. Newt could not have lied more he was only just barely getting used to all this. Once again came that loud earth shaking rumble and Minho running in with plenty of time to spare which is probably a good thing.

Hey Minho anything new Alby questioned? Nope not today nothing different than what it normally is on this day of the week. After Minho got settled in a little bit the three boys had a meal of pork Alby had made earlier on in the day. After that Newt went right back to his spot by the gardens. He instantly passed out and was greated by somemore so called memories once again the boy looked like him so he figured it was him. He looked about 6 years old he was sitting with a older blonde man who says his name is Kevin.

We are glad that you are now part of WICKED it will be a while before you go into the maze you will have many tests ran on you and many other girls and boys of your age and up but remember this is for peoples lives. He was so little and could not understand why this man was telling such a young child about all this test stuff. Normally that would scare a little kid like that but not this boy you could see in his eye how brave he was and ready for anything.

After he was told one more thing that was kind of hazy and blurry the man said I think you will be a success to WICKED Newt. So that was him. Than after that last bit of a dream Newts mind was pitch black and it stayed that way all night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2015 ⏰

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