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If anyone ask what Bible loves to do the most in this world it is definitely boxing. He loves boxing very much that he wanted to be a star and successful boxing athlete in this world. His brother Jonathan, and his dad supported him and they were the one who brought Bible into the boxing world. Every weekend, the three of them will go to the boxing ring near the town for fun until Bible grown fond of boxing that he asked his father to send him at boxing school but there was no boxing school near his town. The father decided to transfer his son to a school that popular with boxing club. Bible wanted to be a successful boxing athlete, his job is to grant his son's wish. That was why the whole family have been moved to a new town and Bible did not want to disappoint their family with the sacrifices they did for him just so that he could chase his dream. He would do anything to be selected in the boxing club and would join all the tournaments until everyone knew his potential to become a great boxing athlete. He would practice real hard for that and nobody could stop him. He would make sure of that.

It had been a week after what happened in the locker of the gym room, Bible came to school as usual, doing his things and not caring about other people. His life was a little bit peaceful with the absence of Build Jakapan for three days. But after that the nuisance came back to haunt him like nothing had happened. Bible nearly gave up on his life just what he had to sacrifice for Build to stop harassing him for once? Build still followed him everywhere he went, still stalked him, and still looked at him with a creepy look that sent him goose bumps every time their eyes locked. Bible noticed Build's wound not yet gone so he felt a little bit guilty after he punched the poor boy though he deserved it Bible thought. One thing Bible felt relieved was Build did not initiate any conversation with him yet. He also wondering why Build did not talk to him but still did all those things Bible hated. So Bible decided to test Build's patience whether the pretty boy had already gave up on him or just plotting something behind Bible's back. Build Jakapan Puttha was a real deal and dangerous. He could not help but to take a precaution.

While he was walking slowly to the library with Build still following him not too far and not too close from behind, Bible saw his chance there to trigger Build's patience. He slowly walked to the girl that he remembered she was one of his classmate but he just forgot her name. Fuck... he muttered. How would he start a conversation with her if he didn't even know her name? It didn't look natural if Build manage to catch that. Oh whatever, this was just to test his patience and either way, the man definitely would go mad even when Bible smiled to the others except for Build Jakapan. "Hey! You are one of my classmates right? Sorry that I'm very bad at memorize name but anyway, I just need your help for today's assignment that the teacher asked us to submit next week, do you happened to find the materials yet? If not, do you want to-" Just before Bible could finish the line, Build suddenly came and acted like accidentally hit Bible's shoulder until the latter moved a little bit away from the girl. BINGO! Build Jakapan you motherfucker!!!

Bible gritted his teeth looking straight at Build's head while clenching his fist. "Sorry you guys are in the middle of way where people are walking here and there. If you want to chit-chat why don't you find another boy to flirt with! Bible is my boyfriend, well not yet! But he will soon. Now shoo shoo go away!" Build said firmly to the girl giving her an upside down look with both arms wrapped around his torso that exposed a little bit because of the crop top he's wearing. The girl groaned and annoyed that her chance to be alone with Bible Wichapas Sumettikul had gone just like that because of him. "Come babe, let's go. I will help you with the assignment." Build reached Bible's hand and started dragging the man to the library. Bible this time just let him to do so feeling frustrated and anger blooming inside him until they reached one of the book shelves Build let Bible's hand go. Build hands reached for the book but stopped in the middle when Bible pushed his body hard against the wall between the book shelves. Grunting and panting, Bible looked into his eyes as the stares could kill him Build avoided them and looked down to the floor. He just could not bear looking at Bible's cold stares now.

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