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It has been years after I graduated, I am now working at a production company. My job is to deal with branded companies for modelling, presenter, and basically business. Bible Wichapas Sumettikul yes that’s me, I am very well-known among the artists of the company I’m working at. Not to mention, I’m also close to some of them. The artists like to be friends me cause of my bubbly personality and the charms that I got, I can’t really blame them. The artists often mistaken me of being one of them because of my looks. Well, not to say that I feel uncomfortable, but I do like the ideas a little too much of my liking. I always say politely that I’m just an employee who is working here as a normal staff so do treat me like one. Don’t give me privilege just because of my looks. Honestly I don’t mind it but anyway the CEO often make an offer for me to sign a contract of being an actor or a model of the agency but I refused cause I think I’m more comfortable working behind the camera.

Just like normal days, I’m doing my job as usual. But today, my fate has outnumbered the norms in me. Fate… what a funny word. I do not believe in fate as cliché as it sounds, but what is happening to my life now? Before this, my life has no drama and no conflicts except for my high school years, what the fuck did Build Jakapan doing here? What is happening? Why is he suddenly come out of nowhere after everything he done to me? What is this fate? Why now? And on top of that, he’s now the new model that the company has signed the contract with recently. Worst, they assigned me to be his manager since he’s still a rookie model that need to be taking care of.

Taking care of my ass… More like babysit!

Chapter 1

Sweating and panting cause of running too much, Bible Whichapas was hiding in the locker of the gym room and praying so hard that one little but devilish human won’t find him hiding in there. Okay maybe devilish word was a little too much but Bible could not stand him anymore. It had been months since he moved to this town and to a new school hoping that miracle will happen to him. But it was no different here with his old place, this was worse actually. “Fuck my life” Bible whispered to himself trying to control his panting so that the other would not hear him. He cupped his mouth with his palms hardly, face redding due to the lack of oxygen and his face was full of sweats. He’s suffering. It was a fucking torturing!

“Damn it! How can I lose him?! Us! Look for more he might be hiding somewhere in the pool area. Hah! Bible Wichapas Sumettikul, you can’t run away from me baby. You are fucking mine!” Build Jakapan quickly push his best friend out of the door to find for his Bible. “How dare he run away from me after making me jealous? You dare to smile at other girls when they flirt with you but not at me? How dare you Bible! You are mine do you understand that?!” Build screamed loudly as if he knew Bible was hiding in one of the locker there. He just didn’t know which locker Bible was hiding in that was why he purposely made Us get out of the room so that he could have a privacy and maybe a little chit-chat with the poor boy.

Build Jakapan was a maniac. Bible think he was the craziest person he had ever met. It was the first time he met him, he politely smiled to his classmates after the short introduction of moving to a new school in front of his classmates but his eyes accidentally made an eye contact with Build. The way Build smiled back to him was rather scary though Bible just ignored the part and continue to smile back until the teacher asked him to take a seat beside Build Jakapan. Oh lovely. Bible muttered slowly. After taking the seat, Build was still smiling to him and introduce his name brightly.

He took Bible’s hand without his permission and shook them strongly until Bible’s uneasy smiles appeared on his face. What’s with this guy? Bible noticed that Build did not wear pants like how male students should have wear the proper school attire. Instead, Build wore black skirts with white shirts unbuttoned with a blue crop top inside, strangely Bible thought it was not that bad just how come he did not yet get punish by the school law with the way he dressed up. Looking from the way he dressed, Build definitely wore that everyday cause he looked relaxed and not feared if the teachers could catch him and send him for a detention.

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