On Run

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After recovering, the doctor finally let Build going back to his home with his manager never leave his side, the man now finally disappeared to settle his hospital bill and to do the discharge procedures. Build was wondering what has gotten into Bible's head that the man willing to stay up the night with him for 3 days in a row. Before this the man couldn't stand his existent at all so why all of sudden? Did the man finally like him for real? Did he finally go soft on him because he has a crush now on Build? Build pouted cutely at the thought that impossible to him. Nah, the man hate him to death that he can't stand breathing in the same room with him but what the fuck was these 3 days of him never leave Build side even when Build wanted to take a piss, Bible will guard him in front of the toilet's door like a hawk eyes waiting to kill his prey. It was scary rather that sweet.

Though the man never speaks or touches him but Build could see every time their eyes locked, Bible never stop giving him a worry gaze and when Build caught him looking, the man quickly act like a fool and looking at somewhere else but him. Bible never starts any pep talk or something like that, he just asked Build whether "Do you want a drink?", "Do you want to eat?" or "Do you want to sleep?" and Build just either shakes or nods his head and the man immediately act like a comrade being commanded by their commander. As funny as it sounds, but it's the truth.

The thing he wondered the most was why the latter never allowed him to watch tv or looking at his phone when he was so damn bored staying for three days in this white cell, what else was he supposed to do? Sleeping, eating and staring not knowing what happened to the world while he was been locked up like a prisoner. Though Bible was there with him for the whole time, but the man at least busied himself with a lot of phone calls coming in and out, he also noticed how tensed the manager was when his phone was ringing but he picks up nevertheless.

When Build protested why he cannot use his phone, the man will argue back that he's not sick and on top of that, Build was the one who's sick because of the tension headache, it will not be good for him to recover if he's facing with too much radiation coming from the phone. Well, he's got a point but not letting him watch tv was kind a bit fishy. Build couldn't help but sensing a bad vibes from Bible's weird behaviour not that he complaining but Bible was really weird and edgy for the past three days they were together in one room.

Other than that, Bible never talk to him like a normal friends would talk. Well, they are not even friends to begin with anyway, so what are they now? Build is confuse and nothing he could do but just play along with Bible. One day the man will finally feel bored of him and left him just like he should do. He's grateful that Bible never ask him how he knew Blue and what their relationship is. Most important thing, Bible didn't ask how he was raped and Build still not ready to open up to anyone except for Barcode that he was drugged and fully unconscious.

The drug is something else that he prays a lot to be never encountered with such thing anymore because according to the video he saw when he was drugged, his body was reacting to the stimulation of feeling high for sex but his heart was empty, his brain was shut down, and only his body was craved for the touch. He was dirtily moaned to their touch when he didn't even remember any single of it. It felt like a nightmare, a truly bad dream.

"You ready to go?" Apo asked while pushing the wheelchair towards Build and the latter rolled his eyes feeling annoyed. His best friends are all drama queen including him of course but this was too much? He still could walk and nothing damage on his lower part of the body yet cause as long as he remembers, the doctor said he was admitted because of the tension headache, not that his leg is fucking disabled! "Can you not be over? The fact that my both legs are functioning well doesn't need this stupid wheelchair and it will make me look stupid sitting on that chair with wheels attached to it. Reporters and my fans must be waiting outside and you expect me to sit on that thing?! Over my dead body Apo!"

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