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The sounds of soft bell from the café's door can be heard from the table they sit. Bible, Mile and Jeff the trio are sitting down drinking their hot coffee. The coffee break lasted for 30 minutes before they need to get back at work in the company. Luckily the coffee shop is just around the corner and it's always the same coffee shop they always go for a short break. "That's the last time I saw him after the incident. I never heard anything from him but the rumour said he went to oversea I have no idea what he did there but until I finished school, he never came back. You guys have no idea how glad I was and I don't need to see his face ever again. Thank god."

Mile and Jeff look at each other after Bible finally finish his talk about Build Jakapan for one hour which they took 30 minutes extra of their short break. Not that they complaining but they never see Bible talk about someone for this long. "You realized that you've been talking about him only for one hour straight right dude?" Mile commented before Jeff also joined Mile to tease the youngest one. "Yeah man, you're so into it for someone who hate him so fucking much." Bible snickered at his two close friends and clearing his throat before he took a sip of his coffee.

"Oh shut up! I hate him okay. I just don't understand why he comes to this company? Out of all company, why here? Did he still have feelings for me or something? After 5 years, should he moved on already? Fuck." The three of them still talking about Build while walking out of the café after Mile had settled the bill. "If he still has funny idea on you, just ignored him man." Jeff said hoping that it can clear Bible's head for a little.

Bible shook his head not agreeing with the idea. "Pond asked me to be his manager for the time being before he can hire someone as a manager for Build. The only person who's free now is me. Cause my job apparently has been stolen by a certain someone." Bible looked at Mile and the said man just smiled at Bible sheepishly. "Oh come on man! Sharing is caring! I'm just helping you! Pond said you can't do the work alone, too much on your hands remember?" Mile tapped Bible's shoulder trying to comfort the man.

"What happened with your project huh? Did it just die like that?"

"Yeah I was also wondering the same thing man." Jeff said while lighting up his cigarette and share it together with his two close friends. Before entering the company, the trio will always stop at their usual spot behind the company's building for a smoke.

"Not enough budget, something happened with the sponsorship. So we had to cancel the show." Mile said while puffing the cigarette. Mile Phakphum is a producer while Jeff Satur is a composer and song writer for their company. The three of them became close ever since the company had produced a survival show 2 years ago and the three of them happened to work together. That time, Mile was a co-producer, Jeff composed the songs for the song theme of the survival shows and Bible took care of the invited artists.

"At this point our company will soon go into the drain if Pond didn't do something about it." Bible commented while smoking his cigarette and Jeff just nodded at that. Mile shrugged thinking the same thing. Their company become worse with the new management taking over the company by Pond's brother and lot of changing happened since CEO Pond Krisda get married.

Bible's phone ring loudly signing that all the three need to get back at work since they took for quite some times just to go out for coffee. "Pond's calling me. I gotta go, see you guys later!" Bible answered the call while walking to the main door leaving Jeff and Mile still smoking their precious cigarette.

"He said that he hate the model" Mile said.

"But he looks excitedtalking about the model" Jeff finished Mile sentence and they both chuckled atthe remarks.


"When are you going to hire a new manager for me?" Build said to his boss wrapping his both arms around himself looking around the CEO's room while tapping his foot waiting for his manager to come. "I said soon, we are short of staff please understand a bit. What's your issues with Bible anyway? Why do you two hate each other so much?" Pond replied after ending his phone call with Bible. "I don't hate him..." Build said softly.

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