Chapter 7

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A/N: a little more fancy picture here to spoil some happenings in this chapter😳

"No, no, no, you can't die. I didn't choose you to die in front of me, I didn't marry you for this!"
I almost cried at this point.

"I told you, it's not a big deal." The prince laughed.
"Just find a maid and don't cry here."

He's right. I quickly got up and ran to the corridors.

I almost tripped in the three man who were lying in front of the door, probably lifeless, but it didn't scare me now.

I ran down the stairs and, luckily, at the of the stair way I found a maid. I told her what happened in a hurry.
She immediately dropped the basket full of clean sheets, she held, and ran away to find the equipment to help the prince with his wound.

Relieved, I went back to Christopher.

In the time being the prince managed to reach the closest armchair. He waited, sitting there for somebody to treat his injury.

I ran to him. I tried to do something to not let him die due to the blood loss, but the prince stopped my every movement.
"I just want to help." I said, almost crying again.

A tear escaped my eyes when Christopher stopped me to do anything for the fourth time now by putting his hand on mine.
"Then help me with bringing me something I can mop up the blood with. Anything. From the bedroom."
I nodded and went to the bed.

There was a cloth lying on the side of the bed. I picked that up and brought it back to the prince. I gave it to him, but he just put it next to himself.

"Help me take his off." He gave me an other advice how can I help him.

He started to struggle with the buttons of his shirt. He couldn't unbutton it since one of his hands were still on his wound.

Hurrying, I tossed his hand away and started quickly unbuttoning his shirt.
Finished with that Christopher got slightly up from the armchair, having his back away from the back of the armchair, helping me taking off his shirt.
I carefully took the soft cloth off his shoulders, and after I unbuttoned both buttons on the sleeves, I took the shirt off his arms, too, and dropped it on the floor.

Christopher now took the cloth next to him and put it on his wound instead of his hand, mopping up the blood.

We both watched as the cloth slowly turned red. The bleeding really wasn't strong.

The prince moved a little, so he can get better access to his wound. Just this movement drew my attention to his muscular upper body.
I only wanted to take a little glance, but my eyes got glued on the perfectly toned abs.

To my fortunate Christopher noticed what I'm staring at.
"Don't look at me like this." He laughed uncomfortably.
When I realized what I'm doing I quickly looked up.

I noticed something on his face. Actually, on his ears. He was blushing. Now I was blushing too. Unfortunately, mine turned out to be way more noticeable, since not only my ears, but my whole face turned red.

Luckily, before the prince could say anything to it the maids arrived, brining lots of medicaments and bandages on a tray.
I immediately let my place to them, so they can treat their master's injury.

For the last step after stopping the bleeding and disinfecting the wound they rolled the bandage around Christopher's waist.
Then they packed everything away and went out without speaking. The last maid thoughtfully closed the door after herself.

Now we were the only ones in that huge room again.

I watched Christopher as he slowly raised his eyes and looking at me.
That was the minute I realized; I was still standing there with only my nightgown on. I tarted fidgeting with my fingers uncomfortably.
Christopher just smiled.

"Please help me in the bedroom." He asked and tried to stand up.
I quickly helped him getting inside his room.

He still didn't have his shirt on, so it was really embarrassing holding his clothe less arm and back to help him inside.
Every moment his muscles tightened under my hands I wanted to take them away and run back to my own room.

Finally, we reached his bed where he sat down.
"Would you please help a little more?" He raised his leg.
I nodded and knowing what he wanted to ask I took off both of his boots.

"The pants." He looked at me.
"You'll manage those." I said blushing again.
"I can't bend down; my wound will bleed again." He told me.
"Then you sleep in pants." I replied.
He just grimaced and tried to lie down. I helped him.

When he was lying under his blanket peacefully, I sat down on the edge of his bed.
I didn't want to leave him for some reason.

For some time, we just stared in front of us sunk in our own thoughts.
"Thank you." I finally broke the silence.
"What for?" He looked at me.
"Those men." I tried to give him a hint.
I couldn't really express why I was thankful for him.
"I don't say it was nothing." Luckily, he knew what I was talking about.
"But you're welcome. I would do it again."
The silence came back again.

"I can ensure you now that it doesn't matter what will happen, I will protect you. I know it wasn't a good idea to go against my father, but I hate him, and he doesn't love me either. And the fact that he wants to kill you only because you didn't choose him is just ridiculous. He is the king, he can get anybody else, but if he doesn't get who he want he acts like a child and wants to get revenge." This time Christopher broke the silence.

"Father's ridiculous ways of seeing the world can't influence who I want to marry. This system is only good at this thing, my wife will be who I want. And I will protect her with everything I have because she's mine. It doesn't matter if the king is the one, I have to compete with or not."

This warmed my heart.
I didn't know the prince had these kinds of thoughts about marriage.

"But now you should go to sleep too." He ended listing his thoughts.
Uncomfortably, I stood up and slowly went to the door.
"You're scared to go back, don't you?" He asked seeing my uncertainty.
I slowly turned back to look at him.
I nodded.
I didn't really want to admit but this was the case.

"Don't worry, nobody will hurt you now." He tried to make me less worried.
But that now wasn't convincing. That means tomorrow somebody will come for my life again?

"From tomorrow I'm going to teach you self-defense if this sounds better."
This idea sounded way better.

A little less worried I went to the door, but I stopped when Christopher spoke up again.
"I don't think you knew, but this night is the wedding night, the newly married couple usually sleep together at this night and do fun things."

I looked at him in disbelief.
He can bring up these kinds of topics even in these situations. Unbelievable.

He just smirked.
"I guess we have to delay it regarding to my injury."
I shook my head still in disbelief, and quickly left the room.

"What gets in this man every night?" I mumbled while going back to my own room.

That night I couldn't really fall asleep.
My head was full of that day's happenings.
I was thinking, if Christopher will really be able to protect me from his father's anger.
I tried not to worry too much, he said he's going to teach me self-defense.
Sticking to this thought I could finally fall asleep.

A/N²: A shorter chapter this time😊
Please don't forget to vote it makes my whole day better🤗
I also encourage you my dear readers to comment your thoughts and give me motivation to write faster🥰

Hope you liked this chapter too, love you, bye💜

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