Nezuko x female reader

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Warning: burying alive, death or reader

"Pls (Y/n) come out I promise not to hurt you" nezuko peaked under the the bed. The girl you once knew was becoming into a psychopath. She killed her own brother just because we were friends. She killed the one who loved her all because he accidentally touched me. She killed the crazy one because "he could've hurt you (n/n)". It all lead up to this. You were stuck in a house with a psychopath. "(Y/n) you're making me mad..." she shoved the clothes out of her view.

"I did this for us and... you.... ran away.. lovers don't do that" she looked under the couch. You let out a shaky breath. "I have to get out if here" you thought while looking at the crazy girl. She slowly looked in your direction. "Is that you (n/n)!" the girl ran over and lifted up the pile of bloody clothes. Your blood ran cold when she laughed.

"Oh there you are I was starting to get worried!" she picked you up and hugged you. You pushed her away. She looked at you shocked confuse? "(Y/n)...." she tried to grab you again. "Stay away from me!" you backed away. Her look of confusion immediately turned dark.

"Don't yell at me" nezuko said. You shuddered and made a dash for the door. "HAHAHAHAH YOU CAN'T RUN FOREVER" nezuko chased after you arms out stretched. You flung the door open and dashed out of the small hut. All you saw were woods but that wouldn't stop you. You made it into the trees and made a sharp turn left. You went into a zigzag like pattern. Your arms and legs have little cuts and bruises on them from the branches and bushes. You didn't see a root and fell down. "AHHH" your head made contact with the hard earthy land and your vision turned black.

You we're fading in and out of reality. You saw nezuko look down at you and smile. She bent down to pick you up. Why... Why couldn't you move. She picked you up and started walking back to the hut. You tried to get out of her grasp but it was getting harder to stay awake.

You woke up tied to a chair. There was a heavy object on your lap and it was blocking your view. You we're still dazed from the fall and you couldn't do anything so all you did was stare at the object. Your vision was slowly coming back you saw black hair with a pink hair accessorie. It was also sucking on your neck. (😳).

Your memory was coming back and you remembered this was NEZUKO. "AHH" you tried to move your neck away. She stopped and looked up at you. She smiled showing her sharp teeth. "Your finally awake!" she wrapped her arms around your neck and kissed your cheek. "GET OFF OF ME" you moved your head away.

"What did i say about raising your voice at me..." she has her head turned down you looked at her scared. She grabbed your neck and started to choke you. "Maybe I should just take away your voice... Or maybe I shouldn't I always love your voice when it's not yelling at me" she tapped her finger on her chin. " but I do love seeing you in this state of... pain". She looked at you. You tried to find some sort of air. " p-pls i-im g-goin-g t-to d-di-e" you spoke in a weak voice.

"Hahaha silly you aren't going to die your just going to go to a happy place for awhile until I get you back. Then your going to love me~" she squeezed a little harder. " p-pl-ls" you couldn't breath her grip was too strong. Black.

"Mmmm... HUH?! " you thought as you were in a area full of dirt. You looked up and saw nezuko with a shovel. She smiled a sadistic smile while grabbing a big pile of dirt. You tried to move again but you couldn't. You we're too shocked with fear. She smiled again before dumping it onto you. You finally lifted up your hands to try to get the dirt out. You felt even more weight on you.

Man black in a time span of a day. Who would've thought the girl that everyone loved was buried alive. Cops found the shack and dug up her body. They gave her a proper burial and arrested nezuko. But who would have known that, that same girl would come back and haunt nezuko. "SEE I TOLD YOU SHE WOULD COME BACK. HAHAHAHAHA" the lights flickered rapidly. The guards and inmates we're all scared when they heard the screams of the revengeful spirit.


kinda short but Dang that took a sharp turn for the worst. One minute we were being chased then the next we're dead. Hm. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this and I hope you're all safe and heathy. Bye lov u all ❤

Words: 848

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