What are you.. || douma x f!reader

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Fem!reader was peacefully walking through a forest. Observing the little critters that scurried away from her. She hums quietly holding a pretty yellow bucket.

The wind shifts blowing against her. Making it hard for her to move forward.

"This wind just had to pick up when i was that close to the water stream?" she groans before begrudgingly turning around and back to her cottage.

The next day she attempts one more time. The wind blows against her again yet she continues forward.

The closer she got to the water it seemed like the wind picked up as well.

"What is happening!!" she yelled angrily.

"I believe the wind doesn't want you taking water~" and eerie yet calm voice calls out behind her.

She looks back startled to see a fairly handsome Male smiling down at her.

He had blonde hair and a tall figure.

"What's a pretty thing like you doing all the way out here? It's dangerous you know?" he states matter-of-factly. He slowly walks towards her. Now it feels like the forest is screaming at her to run away. She doesn't listens and decides to stay put.

The man bad an obvious smirk when she didn't move.

"So what is your name? I'm Douma~" he says charmingly. Her heart beattens faster, either fear or love. She couldn't tell.

"I'm (Name)" he smiles down at he before letting his eyes trail down to the bucket.

"What a pretty bucket. Why do you need it?" Douma puts his arms behind his back, with that same creepy smile.

"I was getting water." she replies before calmly walking to the stream. Douma follows closely behind her.

"Well you must need help then, no? I would expect your house is far from here?" he says getting close to her bent over figure.

"I'll be fine on my own" she states firmly, grabbing the buckets strap. Easily holding it.

Douma's smile fell slightly before going back to his usual smile.

"Well then! What a fine woman you're! You want company. It's getting fairly late. Wouldn't want bears to eat you" he adds, having an extra emphasis on "eat".

(Name) looks at him, clearly weirded out.

"Sure I guess.. " she starts walking to her cottage.  Douma happily follows keeping a steady conversation.

(Name) still felt unsafe whenever Douma would inch closer to her. Pointing out random landmarks she's always favored.

"Thats a pretty rock, isn't it?" he states happily pointing out a rock that she would always sit on.


He smiles happily. They make it to (Name's) house, safely.

"Well this is it. Thanks for guiding me" she says simply before walking into her house, not letting Douma speak.

Douma watches from the path. His smirk widens as he walks into the darkness, vanishing, like he wasn't even there.

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