Jealousy|| obani x female reader

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Warning: swear words, short, death

You and obani were walking down the side walk taking about random stuff when you bumped into a random guy. "Oh I'm so sorry!" you apologized waving your hands infront of your body.

"Oh no it's ok. Normally i would've been mad but looking at you I think I'll let it pass" he smirked looking you up and down. You stopped functioning. He laughed and patted your head. "I'm just joking... Or am i~" the guy walked away leaving a broken you and a fuming obani.

"The nerve of that dick!" obani started walking towards him but you grabbed his arm. "Hey hey hey calm down it's ok!" you brought him close and started petting his head.

Obani grew flustered. (In this you're going to be taller than him so his head is about where your chest is). You looked down and noticed Obani's head was on your chest. (Flat/big/medium he don't care).

"Oh gosh sorry obani!" you pushed him away slightly. He was a blushing mess and he couldn't say a word. (Poor Obani () he didn't deserve to be broken by your beauty it was too much). "Obani?" he ran off with his hands on his face.

You laughed nervously and walked to your house.

---with obani---

D-did-w-was my f-face r-right there! AHHHHH OMG! I RAN AWAY FROM HER WHAT DOES SHE THINK OF ME RIGHT NOW!? nope calm down Obani she loves you like how you like her... -his pupils formed hearts and he clutched the side of his face- gah! She was so cute! But that... Guy. THAT BASTARD HE MADE MY LOVE BLUSH. ohh he's going to get what's coming to him...! -he looked down and saw Kaburamaru slithering towards him. You see he sent Kaburamaru to follow the guy home so he could get his revenge-

"Where is he" Kaburamaru slithered up Obani's arm and hissed in his ear. "Ok let's go get that bitch" Obani grabbed a knife and followed the directions Kaburamaru said... Hissed?

He made it to the house and looked around the perimeter. He spotted an open window and quickly made his way over. After struggling for a bit he made his way to the window and jumped inside the house.

He crept in the shadows looking for the male. He heard him talking to himself. Obani giggled quietly and peered around the corner and saw the male there laying his head back with a small smile.

"Oh that beautiful girl~ I wonder if she was taken I did see that one guy by her but he could also just be a close friend... Who knows!" he smiled again. Obani sent Kaburamaru ahead. The snake slithered silently across the cold wood floor.

Kaburamaru reached the males foot and bit into in. (Ima say the snake is a girl so do not judge me ok) She circled her body around his leg and squeezed:

"AHHH SNAKE" the male immediately went to pry of the snake while Obani silently walked behind him holding the knife. "Why the hell is there a snake in here!"

"Because of me" the male had no time to react before and knife was stabbed into his heart taking affect immediately. The male fell of the couch and onto the floor. "Thank you Kaburamaru now it'll look like a snake bite." Kaburamaru hissed disapprovingly.

"What?" he looked back at the stab wound. "Ok you're right it doesn't look like a snake bite but we can make it look like a snake bite! Bite here -he points towards a spite right by the stab wound- right there -he points to another spor and another-" .

They both stared at the bite marks. You couldn't even see the stab wound now it just looked like a whole bunch of snake bites. "Speaking of multiple snakes I think that having plenty of random snakes here will help!" Obani brought out a crate and set it on the floor.

He opened up the latch and a whole buncha snakes come crawling out. "Our work here is done good job Kaburamaru" Obani put his hand down and Kaburamaru slithered onto it going towards his neck.

They left the house leaving no trace of them only a bunch of snakes and a dead body filled with snake venom!


Sorry for this being so short! I didn't really see this as being as long as others but I still deem it good! 😊👍. But anyways I hoped you enjoyed. I hope you're all heathy and safe. Bye lov u all!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤😘😘

Words: 768

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