Jealousy|| kokushibo x reader pt2

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It was the day you all met up. You didn't notice that the brothers were constantly glaring at each other or lightly pushing the other away.

You were all now eating.

"Man I just love this place" you sighed dreamily as you ate another spoonful of [favorite dish].

"I also like it" Michikatsu nodded eating his food. Yoriichi looked at his brother with confused eyes.

"You don't like this-" "I've always loved it you just didn't know" Michikatsu quickly cuts off his brother.

You stare at them with confused eyes. "Ok.... So what do you want to do after this?" you say changing the subject.

"I.. Would like to tell you some when I lead you home" Michikatsu said under his breath. You nodded with a smile.

"And you, Yoriichi?"

"I could come with-...I think I'll just go home. I'm kinda tired"

Yoriichi finished his sentence with a fake yawn and a pained smile. Under the table Michikatsu was about to stomp his foot again as he was glaring at his brother.

His foot slowly lowered and he looked back at you. You hesitantly nodded.

"Ok... Well then, this was fun. I think we should all get home now" you say standing up. Michikatsu quickly followed in your steps, almost falling over.

He straightened out his shirt and calmly looked at you. Yoriichi sighed and got up, walking to the door. He held it open as you and Michikatsu both walked out.

"Well then, Yoriichi, you can go home and I'll lead  Y/n back" Michikatsu said resting his hand on his blade's sheath, as a warning.

Yoriichi gulped but nodded. He gave a quick goodbye to you before jogging away.

"Have you noticed that Yoriichi is acting different?" you asked walking down the path to your house.

"That's how he's always acting. Anyways the thing I had to tell you" Michikatsu said, trying to get the conversation on something else.

"Oh yea? What is it?" you asked, slowing to a stop. Michikatsu gulped with clamy hands resting on his sheath. He breathed in and out.

"I.. Was wondering if you... And me.. Could go on.. A.. Date" he shyly said. His calm nature being replaced with a shy persona.

You stared at him before sighing. "I'm real sorry Michikatsu but I don't like you like that.. I like someone else.." you shyly stated. His breath hitched and he looked you in the eyes. Hurt evident.

"What... Who?" he was quick in wanting to learn the answer to the devastating statement.

"Your... Your brother, Yoriichi" you stated. Michikatsu's eyes widened. "What... Why!?" he urgently asked. You blinked a couple of times.

"Well.. He's kind to me... And I just.. Generally like him... I'm sorry" you fiddled your fingers. Michikatsu shook his head in disbelief.

"No.. You were supposed to like me not him!" he almost yelled. Your eyes widened. "Michikatsu-" "No! He gets everything while I'm left with the scraps! Why do you have to love him! I'm better!" he pleaded getting angrier.

"Michikatsu please-" "No! You will love me just you wait!" he stated running away. You hand reached out, trying to at least halt his movement. "Michikatsu!" it was to late. He was far gone and he wouldn't be able to hear you.

Your hand retracted. Tears started to form in your eyes. A sob came out.

One sob

Two sob

You clutched your kimono in distress. You ran into your house.

It was year's later since you've seen Michikatsu. You've seen Yoriichi and told him everything. He comforted you. You both fell for each other. Got married and had 2 kids.

You had already forgotten about Michikatsu. You believed he wouldn't come back but oh, oh you were so wrong.

You were home alone with you 2 kids when you heard a knock. "Hm? Kids wait here" they both nodded as you got up and walked to the door opening it.

Your breathing stopped as your eyes wondered up and saw a demon standing in front of you. You gasped and took a step back. He took a step forward slamming the door shut all while still looking into your eyes.

You stumbled back and quickly fled to grab your children and get out of there. The demon slowly walked after you. Making you even more scared.

You scooped up the worried children and dashed out of the back door. Venturing onto the path to the closest village.

You screamed as the demon 'appeared' in front of you wielding his weapon.

"What do you want!" you plead, shielding the now scared children. He grunted as he saw the children behind you.

"You don't remember me.. Y/n?" he tilted his head, watching as your eyes widened in realization.

Tears formed in your eyes. "Michikatsu-" "It's kokushibo now" he stated cutting you off again.

"Why are you like this? Why did you turn!?" you asked. He stayed silent, his eyes wandering off before looking into yours again.

"I'm sick and tired of the way i was treated. Yoriichi got everything, he even got the girl. But I'm here now to take. It. Back." he stated.

Your scream was muffled as he quickly covered it. He pushed the children away, running away with you in his arms. You reached out for your children as they screamed for you.

-children POV-

We watched with wide eyes as our mother was taken away by something ugly. We sat down in shock. Time had passed as our dad ran up to us with confused, scared, and angry eyes.

"What happened!?" he asked cupping both of our faces.

"Mom.. Taken.. Ugly.. Creature" the youngest stated. Dad's eye's widened.

"What did it look like?!" he pleaded. "6 eyes.. Dark hair... Kinda like you, daddy" I stated looking at him with dead eyes.

His wide eyes scrunched together in hate. "No.. How dare he... How dare he!" he screamed as the screen shot into black.


Yooo part 2 gonna make a part 3! Yay! Am very tired tho... 👍

School sucks you all already know this. I'm glad that I was at least able to make this. It might suck because I made this in like a day soooo yea....

Anyways I hope you enjoyed. I hope you're all heathy and safe! Bye love u all!! ❤❤

*not proofread

Words: 1057

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