Tag||zenitsu x female reader

679 10 4

Warning: mention of blood, killing

Key words: (m/p/n)= mispronounced name

You we're walking down the halls of the school going to lunch with one of your friends tanjiro. You guys were making small talk to not make it seem so awkward.

You both made it to lunch and grabbed the food that was provided.

A couple minutes later zenitsu burst threw the door begging every girl he sees to marry him. You laughed at the boys anticks. He looked at you and smiled real wide than ran up to you jumping over the table and hugging you saying "WILL YOU MARRY ME (F/N)!"

You fell out of your chair with zenitsu still holding onto you. "Calm down calm down there bud. I'm not going to marry you so we can stay close friends" you pat his back while some people were whispering.

"How can she deal with... Him" the girl whispered to her friends in disgust at the mention of the boy. "Yeah he's not good looking enough for them to be together" another one whispered back.

"Yeah I would say that her and tanjiro would be better together or her and inosuke. They are both better looking them him" the girls giggled.

"Well I think he's quite the looker" a girl at there table said dreamily. They turned to her in disgust. "Excuse Me! You think he -points to zenitsu who is looking over (F/n)'s shoulder at them (which they don't notice) - is cute!" the girl nods her head and they all started laughing.

"Pls he would like everybody but you Ruika" one of the girls next to her said. Ruika rolls her eyes and continues staring at the blonde male.

By now (F/n) and zenitsu got in their seats and ate their food. "Sooo (F/n)-channnnn have any plans todayyy" you and zenitsu we're walking home from school.

"No not really why you asking" zenitsu looked at you and smiled wide again. "Well I was wondering if you'd want to play tag with me in the woods over there" he pointed at the dark forest.

"O-oh yeah I would love to but maybe not in that forest. It gives me the goosebumps" (F/n) shivered and rubbed her arms. "It's going to be okay because you have me!" he used his thumb to point at himself.

"And don't worry Inosuke and Tanjiro already agreed!" Zenitsu watched as you sighed. "Fine I'll play tag with you guys but as long as I'm not alone in there" you pushed him a little. He blushed and rubbed his neck while looking away. You laughed and ran into your house.

Zenitsu watched smiling and waving before his expression turned dark and he walked to an alleyway behind the school. "So girls how will this go..." he poked the sharp edge of knife and smiled sadistically.

The bully girls started crying and trying to get out of the bindings. "Oooo I know how this is going to go. I'm going to stab your stomachs and make you bleed out!"

The girls widened their eyes and tried harder to get out of the bindings. Zenitsu walked up to the main bully and slid the knife down the girls cheek.

The girl started trembling and crying louder. "Shhhh it's okay it won't even... HURT" he stabbed the girl in the eye and stabbed it into her stomach.

A muffled scream could be heard. Actually they all screamed. Zenitsu started laughing like a maniac.

After he was done he cleaned him self and walked to the forest. You, Tanjiro and Inosuke were all there already.

"Hurry up monitsu!" Inosuke screamed out. "I'm coming!" Zenitsu yelled running to catch up to the three. "Ok so I will be it and you guys have to hide and I also have to tag you ok?" zenitsu explained the rules and the three nodded and ran away.

Zenitsu started counting up to 30. "28...29...30! Ready or not hear I come!" zenitsu rushed into the forest eager to kill the two boys and save his princess.

Zenitsu ran around for a while trying to find at least one but he couldn't find anyone. 'GAHH WHERE CAN THEY BE!' zenitsu looked around rapidly and saw tanjiro running away. "Tanjiro~" zenitsu whispered before he made a beeline towards him.

Zenitsu being slightly more fast caught up to tanjiro pretty quick and jumped on him. While he was jumping on him he swiftly brought out a knife aiming at the heart.

"Looks like you caught-" tanjiro stopped mid sentence when he coughed out blood and started feeling his body grow cold. "I told you not to mess with my (F/n)~. Now good night tanjiro sleep tight and... Don't let the bed bugs bite" tanjiro shivered when he said the last bit of his sentence before "falling asleep".

Zenitsu giggled and got up racing towards a different direction. You watched what happened from the treetops shaking. You put your hand over your mouth to not scream.

You didn't hear anything they said but you saw what happened thinking 'omg I'm going to die I have to warn inosuke'. You climbed down the tree and wentbto where inosuke was hiding.

"Inosuke! Inosuke!" (F/n) ran up to inosuke asbhe looked down at her. "What is it (M/p/n)!" inosuke looked down at you confused as to why you needed him.

"Hurry get down we have to leave and call the cops!" inosuke jumped down and looked even more confused. "What do you mean!" "Just come on!" (F/n) grabbed inosuke's hand and rushed to the entrance.

"OI tell me why we're running away I can probably fight whoever it is!" inosuke ran along beside you now. "It's zenitsu he killed tanjiro!" inosuke widened his eyes and looked at you.

"Wait.. WHAT! MONITSU KILLED GONPACHIRO! " you nodded rapidly and ran through the entrance doors with inosuke. He quickly shut the door when you both heard a maniacal laugh.

"Oh (F/n)~ running away isn't going to be so easy~" zenitsu ran into the door and tried to grab at you. "Omg!" you stumbled back and landed on your butt. He laughed even more but stopped when he saw inosuke with you.

"WHAT IS HE DOING WITH YOU!" now zenitsu put more force into trying to grab inosuke. "I didn't want him to get killed so that's why he's with me!" you got up with the help of inosuke and slowly started walking backwords.

"NO NO NO YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE WITH ME NOT HIM NOT ANYONE!" he shrieked and you both ran away to your house to call the cops.

The cops came and arrested zenitsu and bagged Tanjiro's body for a proper burial. Nezuko hugged you while crying. Tanjiro's family your family and inosuke where all at tanjiro's funeral. Zenitsu's family didn't come because they were so embarrassed and ashamed for what there son did.

Inosuke also hugged your side trying to comfort you like how you were doing it to nezuko.


You and inosuke were strolling through the park. Inosuke pushing a stroller while you had a hand on your baby bump. It was a peaceful day everyone forgot about the event well except for tanjiro's family they were still grieving but not a hard.

"Ooo look at the butterflies!" you put out your pointer finger and a butterfly landed on it. Some even landed and your baby bump. Inosuke laughed at the scene while you smiled.

You guys were a happy family. After the incident Inosuke confessed his feeling and and couple Years later purposed at the same park you guys are walking in right now.

Later on you gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named Liam and now your waiting on a little girl. Zenitsu got put in an a insane asylum. Never to be seen again.

𖤓------------------------ END--------------------------𖤓

Hello love's I'm thinking I should start the aesthetic route where I add a picture/gif of my choice mostly of anime cooking but anyways or something creepy who knows. Anyways hopped you enjoyed and are staying healthy and safe. BYE LOV U ALL!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ 😘😘😘😘😘
Words: 1368

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