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"Good luck." My mother said, clutching my hand like she would never see me again. I know she's anxious, we might get split.

"Our whole family are prey, I won't be a Hunter." I assure her.

None of us say otherwise. The question rings in my mind. What I really become a Hunter?


"Do you think we could be Hunters?" Lydia asked me. I shook my head.

"Not you, softie." I teased. Lydia put her hand to her heart and pretended to be offended.

"Hey, Lydia?" I asked suddenly.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"We'll always be friends, right? No matter what? Even if we get opposite sides? And we'll meet after we get released, right?" I asked her.

Lydia smiled brightly at me, her dark brown eyes looking into mine.

"Of course."

I smiled as we watched the others get sorted.

"Lydia Carson." Master Alan called. Lydia got up from her seat and winked at me before pouncing over.

I watched as the Deer looked at her with interest the moment she sat on the throne. It got up, examining her while the Wolf ignored her.

"The Deer has made her decision. Lydia Carson, Prey of Reyna."

Lydia jumped up happily, running over to her parents.

"Lilith Rose."

I got up, dreadful and filled with fear. What if the Wolf chose me?

As I sat in the throne, the coldness erupted through me as the Wolf got up from her curled position.

The Deer watched as the Wolf prowled around me. I glared as she snarled, daring her to come closer. She looked almost, amused.

Just as the Deer got up to take a look at me, the Wolf released a ear splitting howl, shocking the Deer and everyone else.

"The Wolf has made her decision. Lilith Rose, Hunter of Luna."

The room went silent. I looked at my family. They all looked disappointed in me and my mother was softly crying.

Lydia didn't take her eyes off of me as I stalked over to the Hunter section.

She bore a look of sadness in her eyes, but I didn't. We were enemies now, and we would be until our services were over.

You are brave. A voice whispers in my head. Over here.

I look over, and see Luna looking at me through her eyes.

The bravest in a long time. Braver even then the one you resent the most. Lilith Rose, daughter of Arthur, I will train you to be my Alpha.

Mark Of A Broken Promise[The Werewolf Trials #1]Where stories live. Discover now