Chapter 7

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"Do you think you could ever kill somebody?" Lydia asks. I fall silent. I don't think I could. Watching as they squirmed and collapsed. Living with the guilt. No, I couldn't.

"Never." I reply to her.

"Me neither." Lydia tells me. "I guess we shouldn't be Hunters."

I laugh. "No, I suppose we shouldn't.

Lydia sighs as she watched the fluffy clouds in the sky. I can make out a wolf, a crown and a knife. I shake my head and blink. The images disappear and I'm left wondering if the clouds really actually looked like that.


Back in my room, I celebrate my victory over Zach. The fighting has worn me and I finally fall asleep.

The red floods my vision, and I see a girl. She faces away from me.

"There are many forces at work, here." She says in a voice that sounds familiar yet unknown at the same time. "Trust the Gods. They know what they are doing."

The scenery shifts to a snowy forest. Luna scampers across the fresh snow, her paws imprinting into the cold snow. From the wolf, a light erupts and a woman emerges.

She has pale skin. Her dark blue eyes and platinum hair shine in the clearing.

A doe joins her and another woman emerges from Reyna. She has warm skin and warm brown eyes and hair. Reyna and Luna swish together around the clearing, their animal representatives surrounding me.

"The Gods are at work." Reyna announces, "They will set things right."

"Believe it darling." Luna says, "believe that they are truly there."

The scene shifts again to a beach, where Lydia stands. "You've changed." She says, "what happened to 'never going to kill someone?' What happened to 'facing the death penalty instead?' You are weak, Lilith. You sunk in the face of true danger."

The scene shifts yet again to the chaotic battlefields of Sunfield. Elora and my Father stand together, arms linked.

"We're proud of you, Lilith." My Father says and I feel myself warm up with those words. Elora's eyes narrow.

"We were, until you became a traitor. A humble and devoted follower of the Hunters. You killed you own kind. You are a failure, a disappointment." She says.

And with that, the two of them walk into the fighting. Soon after, a dove flies out from it and I know it's Elora.

I wake up, gasping for breath. Light floods into the room from the open window. I drag myself out of bed and change. I decide to skip breakfast today and head straight for the hospital wing. Dr. Shawn greets me when I arrive.

"She's woken up." He tells me, cheerfully. I thank him and walk over to Jauna's cot.

She sits up, sketching a dahlia flower.

"How are you feeling?" I ask, sliding into the chair next to her.

"Drowsy. And really tired but I can't fall asleep." She admits.

Mark Of A Broken Promise[The Werewolf Trials #1]Where stories live. Discover now