Chapter 13

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"Damn Fatima." I mutter, "Fridays are supposed to be good."

Mrs. Woods stares me down. "Miss Rose, can you please tell me about the spirits of time?"

Groaning, I say, "The spirits of time are led by the Goddess Tessa, daughter of the God Marquis. They are: Samuel of Sundays, Megan of Mondays, Teresa of Tuesdays, Wermina of Wednesdays, Tairan of Thursdays, Fatima of Fridays, Salima of Saturdays, Hannah of days, Moran of months, Yeabsara of years, Heather of hours, Sandy of seconds and Matthew of minutes. They are all represented by owls."

Mrs. Woods purses her lips. "Tell me about Marquis and Maria."

I sigh. "The God Marquis and the Goddess Maria are the twins of the Gods Kansas of war and Norana of magic. Marquis is the god of anger and revenge while Maria is the goddess of peace and happiness."

Mrs. Woods scowl deepens even further. "Who is Queen Alyssa?"

"The Goddess Alyssa is the daughter of the Goddess Mestyrya of mythical creatures. She is the the queen and goddess of spirits. As the ruler of spirits in Spicolion, she is the wife of the God Emerson of elements, who is also her brother. Would you like me to elaborate further?"

I bat my eyelashes and Mrs. Woods turns red. "There will be no need, Miss Rose."

I smile and go back to my notebook.

Luna? I ask.

Shouldn't you be focusing on your lesson? Luna replies a moment later.


Ah. Understandable. How can I help you?

Are there people who need to hunt more often than once a month? Or who have the abilities of a werewolf?

Yes. Special cases.

And mates?

I'm sorry?

What about mates? Do some people have mates?

Luna doesn't respond.


Sorry. I'm here. And... yes. Some do. Though they are very rare. In fact, everybody has a mate. Just, the soulmate connection died through the tears.

Can a mate dying affect somebody so much they destroy themselves on the inside?

You're thinking about you're parents, aren't you?

Yes. I admit.

Are you looking to justify your mother's actions?

No. Nothing can justify those. I just want to know, could it have been?

Perhaps. Like I said, your father had the strongest wolf DNA in any human I have ever met. Except you. But the wolf DNA can grow as you grow up.

So... they might have been mates.

They were mates. But how strong the mate connection was, is anybody's guess. Now, get back to class.

Mrs. Woods coughs and I look up.

"What?" I ask, annoyed.

Mrs. Woods smiles tensely. "Homework." She whispers, setting down a huge booklet on my desk.

I gape at it, opening it and flipping through the pages. I moan as I run my hands through my hair.

"Better get started" Jauna says, fighting to stop herself from tearing out her hair.

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