Chapter 6

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I dream that I am the Alpha.

I mount the hill, Luna at my side, my cloak billowing in the wind. My hair flaps around my face and Luna howls, our army descending on the Prey. The screams fill the air as Luna runs off, growling fiercely. I feel powerful, like I am on top of the world. Like I can fly.

The scene shifts to me sitting in a tree. Jayden sits next to me.

"What if we get split up? I ask, leaning into Jayden's shoulder.

"We won't." He assures me. I sigh, gazing at the sunset, praying that we won't.

"Promise?" I ask.

"Promise." He says, kissing my forehead.

The scene changes yet again, to Jayden laying in his bed, his arm burning with the mark of his broken promise to me.


The sound of Jauna's shallow breathing fills the room.

"Jauna?" I ask, concerned. She doesn't reply.

"Jauna?" I repeat. The silence echoes through the room like a ripple in the water.

I sit up and slip out of bed. I let out a small squeal when I see Jauna. Her face is flustered, her raggedy breath can be heard as her chest slowing rises and falls. I run out of the room, straight into Zach. The worst possible person at this time.

"What is it?" He asks as I lean against the wall, closing my eyes.

"Jauna. She's sick." I reply as I reach out my thoughts to Luna. A moment later, Luna's concerned thoughts fill my head.

Is everything alright? What could be as urgent as to wake me up from my slumber at this ungodly hour?

Jauna. Something wrong with her.

Hmm. Keep me connected. I'll be there in a few seconds.

"Wha-?" Zach starts, but I hold my finger to silence him. Luna delivers on her word, appearing a moment later.

Zach drops to his knees. "My Lady."

"Hush, child. We must hurry." Luna tells him. Zach turns red. "Of course, my Lady." He says.

The three of us hurry to my room. We find Jauna, looking worse than when I left.

"It appears she has been poisoned." Luna announces. "I will inform the medic. You two carry her to the hospital wing."

Me and Zach obey, lifting Jauna together. We carefully etch towards the elevator as Luna disappears into thin air. We both know she has gone to tell Dr. Shawn.

The elevator arrives and me and Zach awkwardly shift, trying to figure out a way to make this work. The ride is completely silent, none of us daring to speak.

When we arrive in the hospital wing, Dr. Shawn props Jauna up on a cot.

"Go, children." Luna says. "Rest well. Tomorrow will be a long day."


I twist and turn around in my bed. I can't sleep. Getting out of bed, I change into my training attire.

When I get to the arena, somebody is already there. Zach is throwing daggers, each so close to the bullseye yet none perfectly centre.

"Watch and learn." I call, snatching a dagger from the table. I flung it and it embeds itself perfectly in the middle of the target. Zach growls. "Show off." He murmurs. I smirk.

Zach notices and his face curls into a glare. "Then let's duel." He offers.

I tie my hair back into a ponytail and smile coyly. "It's on."

I grab a spear and some daggers, securing them into my sash. "No firearms." Zach nods in agreement.

Zach also gets some daggers of his own and his own spear.

Moving to the fighting arena, me and Zach ready our weapons. Zach yells and charges before I can react, but I move out of the way quickly enough.

I throw a dagger at him and it cuts his cheek. Another slices his leg. Doing a few flips, I strike him in the stomach with my spear. While he clutches his stomach in pain, I kick him in the back. Tumbling to the ground, I press the spear against his neck, not letting him move.

"You win." Zach mumbles from the floor. I smirk triumphantly.

"Good day to you." I call as I walk out of the room, leaving Zach defeated.

Mark Of A Broken Promise[The Werewolf Trials #1]Where stories live. Discover now