Chapter 14

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Werewolves were a part of us. Whether we wanted it to be or not to be. But knowing the truth had consequences, I could no longer look at anybody without wondering how much wolf DNA they had. It was slowly becoming infuriating.


Jauna sits on my bunk, swinging her legs. "We're going to be late, Lily." She whines.

"I'm trying my best to hurry." I respond, annoyed.

"Well try harder."

Tonight was the night of the Goddess Harna's birthday, an event that we had to celebrate. It was always honoured annually by a ball. As the goddess of the Hunt, she oversaw our victory in the monthly trials. Or as per the official name, the Werewolf Trials.

Me and Jauna were each wearing a similar looking dress. The only difference was the colour. Jauna's is a deep red and mine is a forest green.

Each dress was layered with lace and fabric, and the bodice slightly clear and embroidered with floral patterns.

Jauna wore jewelry that was gold and I am in the midst of putting my silver jewelry.

"So... Do you have a date?" I tease.

Jauna shifts uncomfortably. "In fact, I do."

That wipes the smile off my face. "Who?"

Jauna's regular smile returns, "You'll see."

I shake my head, reaching for my bracelet. Tightening it, I have to stop myself from letting out a scream.

The silver bracelet burns through my flesh, leaving an ugly red welt and a faint sizzling noise. But a moment later, the burn heals itself, returning to normal as if nothing happened. I gasp softly.

Jauna doesn't appear to have heard. Clearing my throat, I say, "Let's go."

"Finally!" Jauna exclaims, leaping off the bed and almost tripping over all the lace.

I scoff at her excitement, but follow nevertheless.

The large arches were all across the entire ballroom. Depictions of wolves and planetary items lined the floor and hung from the ceiling.

"Go." I tell Jauna as I look for a quiet space to be alone.

Harna's birthday was the 1st full Moon of every year. I could imagine on the Prey side, each praying for another year of life, safe from death by their distant or perhaps even direct relatives.

Luna comes to me, her expression questioned. She is no longer in her wolf form, but the same woman I saw in my dreams. Still, this is only her spirit for the wolf still rests, seemingly peacefully asleep on the raised platform.

Come. She whispers, swiftly swishing back to her wolf form. I can feel a tug in my gut before promptly slipping down and falling into the darkness.

When I come to, it feels like no time has passed.

Because none has. Luna says. I look up. Together, we're floating high above the ballroom, watching the couples twirl and dance while others set up the offerings and tributes to Harna.

I chuckle softly as I see my own body, asleep on the floor.

Let's go. Luna suggests.

To where? I ask as Luna pulls me along by the wrist. I look in fascination as Luna takes me out of the building, all the way up to the sky. I can see how the Moon shines bright tonight, brighter than usual.

The lights from the Institute dim and shrink until it resembles like small ants. We float higher and higher before Luna responds.

You questioned if the Gods were real? I will take you to one. We have business.

Luna's grip on me tightens as we suddenly go faster, up into space. Luna looks for a few moments before dragging me to a red planet. It's so much smaller than any planet should be.

But as soon as we enter the atmosphere, it is nothing like the outside.

"Spicolion." I breath, "it's beautiful."

The sweet and thick smell fills the air, the bright and lush trees and other greenery fill the picture perfect streets.

Luna leads me straight to the palace. There, a woman with raven black hair and teal blue eyes sits on a golden throne. Next to her, a teenager with warm brown skin and light blue hair stands. White runes cover her body. A third figure stands to the other side of the throne, another teenager, male this time, with sleek black hair and skin paler than I have ever seen. He wears a red tunic, gold pieces on the sides and small parts of the front and back.

The woman stands up. "Welcome Luna,"

The blue-haired girl stands up slightly taller and bows her head, so does the boy.

Luna does a curtsy and I follow.

"Is this the girl?" The woman asks.

"Yes, my queen." Luna responds. I gasp when I realize who they are.

Queen Alyssa, Xavier the patron spirit of Alphas and Harna. I was in the presence of Goddesses.

"She looks just like Megan." Harna remarks.

Luna steps aside and allows Xavier to come closer to me. I feel my breath hitch as he touches my arm.

He closes his eyes and opens them a slight moment later, grasping for air.

"What is it?" Harna asks, her stern visage breaking for just a slight second.

Xavier regains his composure and looks past me to Luna.

"She is the last?" He asks in a strong southern accent.

"Yes." Luna confirms.

"Her essence is strong." He says, "Stronger than Arthur's"

"This is his daughter." Luna explains.

"She is too strong. That Zachary would be better."

My heart skips a beat.

"Allow me." Harna says, stepping forward and throwing off her cloak. It reveals even more white runes and wristbands that matched her hair and eyes. She steps forward and Queen Alyssa sits back down on her throne, watching attentively.

Harna touches my arm but shows much better control than Xavier. She lets go, but her face is slightly flushed. She smiles warmly at me.

"She is the one. She has my blessing."

Luna and I both release breaths I didn't know we were holding.

Xavier shakes his head aggressively and I really do hope he doesn't throw his head off.

"Her aura is too strong. She will lead to destruction. She will lead the pact to unavoidable death. She will be the very reason for our world's downfall."

Mark Of A Broken Promise[The Werewolf Trials #1]Where stories live. Discover now