【ᴘᴛ. 5】| Ah...

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Well it's midnight right now but I can't sleep. Why? Idk I can't close my f*cking eyes! Maybe I should tape it? ANYWAY! I haven't been able to assign new chapters for a long time because I was studying for the exam. Is the exam over? No. Then why am I here? BECAUSE I CAN'T SLEEP!! Meh. I will take the exam tomorrow and this is a very critical situation. Because my dad wants me to get a high grade in the exam and he said that if I don't get a high grade he will break my tablet or ban them.....Why me? WHY THESE ARE GOING TO ME?!??!!......Bruh. Yes, any sane person would be studying right now, but I have two reasons!
1- I'm so lazy and I'm getting low grades anyway so I don't feel like studying hard
Dude, I seriously need to calm down Bruhhhh

But I'm sure nothing will happen because I will hide my tablet >:)
Anyway, I want to say that if I don't post for a very long time, understand that either I'm dead or my tablet is dead. Or just get banned :'>

Anyway, let's get to this part! 'Cause im so boredimgonnadieyes I'magoddamnlazywtfimsayingidknowineedthestfuok...
I'm so weird aren't I? this is why i hate myself :^

<- (Y/N)'s P0V ->

Huh. Finally I got everything. Furniture arrives in a few days. I bought a few paints and shopped. Well everything is perfect! Now all I do is go home and tell them the good news!

I put the items I bought in the trunk of the car and got into the car. I started the car and started driving home. Actually, I've been here for a long time. I hope they are fine. Hopefully..

_At Home At The Time_

<- Seek's P0V ->

Huma- (Y/N), since left things have been strangely good, UNTIL THE DAMN SCREECH BREAK SOMETHING! Ugh. Why he's so stupid?! The thing he broke looked like a vase. I do not know. We are still not used to this place.

We were all watching TV right now. Except screech. He was in a corner. He was grounded so he wouldn't break anything again.

There wasn't much fun on TV. Very boring. How can people stay in front of this device for hours? Sitting still doing nothing and looking at a screen... Total waste of time! It doesn't have anything fun, it's constantly playing other scenes. If you don't want to miss any scene, you have to sit here like a log all day. *Sigh* Humans...

_Back To You_

You had finally reached home. You took out the things you bought from the trunk of the car and went towards the door of the house. You put your bags in your hand, then you took your house key out of your pocket and opened the door. When the door was opened you could hear the faint conversation from inside and the sound of the television. You picked up the bags from the floor and went inside. The sound of the TV is clearer now. You walked in and closed the door with your foot. On your way to the kitchen, you saw the monsters all sitting on the sofa. How did they fit in there? Who knows.

<- (Y/N)'s P0V ->

On the way to the kitchen, I saw that they were all watching TV. That is, except for one. There was no sticky-coated flying ball with tentacles. I looked around and saw him in the corner of the wall. Why is he there? I think his name was Screech. *Sigh* It may take time for me to remember all their names. All I remember is Seek, Black, Rush and Screech.

On the way to the kitchen, I saw their attention turned to me from the TV. Meh, I'm too lazy to care. When I got to the kitchen, I left the bags and paints on the table. When I got back to the living room, the TV was no longer on. And they were all looking at me now.

The Figure: Oh hey (Y/N), looks like you're back.

Ambush: How did you see it coming? I thought you were blind.

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