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[ listen to "the golden hour" in this part for a better experience ]

Past [ author's pov ]

Two boys were sitting at the edge of the building -- several feets away from the earth --that seemed like their own world on a not so dark night. The stars were shining as diamonds in the sky making an alluring sight along with the moon.

February's cold wind kissed their bare skins making them shiver with cold and excitement. The radiant beam of the moon flickered on their skins. That's when the older boy said "you know what it is like to kiss someone?" Still looking at the universe which was about to fade in light of the sun.

"Why this sudden question?" The younger boy said looking at the older one, who was still looking up.

"Just want to know." older one turns his face to him and his smile shined in the light of the moon. He didn't need the light to shine his smile. "Tell me."

"I don't know. I didn't kissed anyone." The younger turned his head to the diamonds on the sky. "What do you think yeonjun hyung?"

"I think if you kiss someone, it must be someone special and most lovable to you. It doesn't need the time to stop around you or the winds to fasten." Yeonjun said still looking at the younger with the previous smile on his face. He always like to look him whenever he is not looking at him.

"Then what does it needs to kiss someone?" The younger asked most likely whispered. And the warm visible air came from his mouth.

"Nothing. You don't need anything to kiss someone." And finally the younger one looked at him. "Just make sure it won't be regretfully but memorial. The one you kiss will be someone who is precious to you. That precious that you can die and can give all you got to them. Gyu."

That's when the universe finally faded with the gentle cast of the sunrise. Minutes turned into hour and the sky painted into orange and red gradient colours. The whole world seemed to cover in the overlay of orange, pink and yellow like in canvas.

The golden light of the sun glittered at the boys sitting on the edge of world. The sight was alluring as in the fantasy books. Like they can jump off the edge anytime and this realm would change into another.

The world that they wanted to be in.

The songs of the birds started to fill their ears with melodies. Beomgyu stood up and offered his hands to his hyung. The older one just stared at him with something -- that he can't even tell what it is -- in his eyes and took his hands.

The skin of their hands kissed each other as they intertwined. And they shined. The shine, that will never be dim but always glow. And glow.

"Let's make an oath." The older said as he stood up, excitement was all over his face. Making the younger frown in confusion. "Let's.. what?" The younger said.

"An oath. Of always being together till end of the world even whatever happens." Older one almost jumped off the building in excitement. "You are not standing on the ground. Stupid!" Younger scolded.

Then they both intertwined their pinky finger and older continued. "Say after me."

"I, Choi yeonjun, am promising that I'll always be by Choi Beomgyu's side and be together with him. Till the end of the world. Till when the moon and the sun shines. Till the end of our existence." He said as he looked in the eyes on the other boy standing infront of him, at the edge of the world in the golden hour.

"It's lame." Beomgyu commented. "And you are doing it" older replied and younger sigh in defeated.

" I, Choi Beomgyu, am promising that I'll always be by Choi yeonjun's side and be together with him. Till the end of the world. Till when the moon and the sun shines. Till the end of our existence."

And then an oath made between them to be always together and forever. Between the moon and the sun. Not in the day, nor at night but in between.
And we all know that the moon and the sun can't be together.

[ To be continued ]

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