Donnie's Gifts

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Raph: Okay, mutant silverfish you've eaten people's laundry for the last time hits them and they become two
What the. Hits them again and they become 4
Donnie: Hey, Ralph Every time you smash them they just split in two
Raph: I know isn't it cool
Hana: Maybe don't smash them this will make it a lot harder to defeat them
Donnie: Think Ralph, Think
Raph:Oh. I guess it does double the problem. Which means double the smashing
Mikey: I got you, Ralph
This situation calls for a dose of my Psycho-acrobatics. Smash into a wall
Groaning and falls into a trash can full of Silverfish
Hana: [that's going to leave a mark later]
Donnie: Oh boy.
Leo:I got you Mikey uses his sword to cut open a fire hydrant and splash Mikey.Looks like these fish are...[chuckles] Wait for it You're gonna love it... All washed up
Leo: Okay okay how 'bout this
These bugs are so wet
Hana: uh Leo
The Silverfish bits Leo, Mikey&Raph
Donnie: ugh this is getting old [Device whirrs]
Mikey:Mission accomplished
Hana: You guys have got to take these missions more seriously come on we are ninjas in training you guys can't be playing around like that
Raph: Whew. Nice, Hustle, Donnie I knew we can could do this as a team
Donnie: Actually, it was pretty much Hana&I but segue, I think I have a little something to kick our skills into high gear.
All:talking when they see a drill come out of the ground from Donnie
Mikey: It's beautiful
Donnie:No, no, no Not that's
Hana: Then what are you talking about
Leo: What do you mean not that
That should totally be the thing
Donnie: No, no, no that's just a little-- it's in beta don't worry about it
Hana: Donnie what do you be making in your lab
Donnie: The real thing is so much more personal and I thought and I really hope you like it, 'cause if you don't I will just be crushed
Raph:Donnie just show us I'm sure we'll all love it
Donnie: All right. Here it goes
Leo:Okay, so we're just moving past the drill
Mikey: You even got my life colors right
Leo: oh-ho-ho Wow I don't know what this is but it has got a lot of blinking-binks
Raph: Whoa: jazzy headgear
Hana:I don't get anything
Donnie: Don't worry you don't need it
Hana: If you say so (say a little sad)
Donnie: I'm so glad you like 'em
Now let me show you how they work.
(Silverfish screech)
All: Huh
Raph: what was that
All: Runs to the noise
Mikey: Chateau Prétènche? I think I've heard of this place
Leo: Anther mutant? What is his deal Raph: You know what that guy looks like the Meat sweats
All[Laugh] Following him
Meat Sweats: Mmm! A little salt a pinch of Savory. Lemon for the tang.
Unleash the flavor
Mikey: Unleash the Flavor?
Oh my gosh It's Rupert Swaggarts
Raph: Oh, yeah oh uh, Who's that?
Mikey: The celebrity chef Host of Condescending Kitchen The show where he screams at chefs until they give up their dreams. I love that guy
Sweats: That's not how you make a pork risotto you've got to pound it to unleash the flavor
Hana:why are you watching a chef that screams at people until they give up on their passion for cooking that just means what's he's doing
Donnie: You saw a celebrity chef transform into a pig mutant and you didn't tell anyone?
Mikey:I didn't wanna burn my risotto
Chateau Prétènche is his restaurant no wonder he's here
Leo: Oh he's not gonna eat that big is he
Mikey: Ugh! The bacteria
Donnie:oh that's so much worse
Meat Sweats: I feel the rush of your delicious energy. The Herbs du Province is a nice touch
Am I picking up the delightful aroma
Of mutants with an after-stench of turtles and what this Wolf and some kind of bird, I'm thinking... Like turtles Tenderloin over a bed of saffron rice And a side of Chicken
Mikey: Ohh, that sounds good
Hana: I'm sorry what
Donnie: He's talking about eating us
Hana: for the record, I would not taste good as a meal
Leo: Mind What is Hana talking about seeing how good she looks I bet she would make a fine meal
Mikey: Excuse me for wanting to be eaten in style
Hana: This would not be eating in style
Footsteps Approaching
Raph:jumps up Yeah Ha
It's time to mash this pig's potatoes
Hot soup
Headgear: Charing the enemy
Raph: What the hey is this thing talks?
Headgear: Perhaps you should reevaluate?
Raph: Donnie, The helmet's talking to me Gets hit
Donnie: oh goodie! It's working
Hana:What do you mean

 Like turtles Tenderloin over a bed of saffron rice And a side of Chicken Mikey: Ohh, that sounds goodHana: I'm sorry what Donnie: He's talking about eating us Hana: for the record, I would not taste good as a meal Leo: Mind What is Hana talking a...

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This is what Hana will be using in this episode
Raph: You! Hey stop
Trying to fight Meat sweats
Hey whoa
Headgear: your opponent is quite strong consider other options
Raph: How is this for options: Smash and bash
Little Meat Sweats:time to unleash the flavor
Raph: ow Hey, stop it now
Donnie: Fascinating he must have absorbed the silverfish's powers this represents a new level of mutant abilities
Hana:Donnie focus
Small meat sweats
All: runs
Hana tries to shoot at them but they're small and quick
Mikey Dose a flip
Mkey's Bodygear Impact imminent
Mikey:What the This is totally messed up my steez
Leo: [grunting] You'll beat me... When pigs fly and get electrocuted what was that these little piggies are gonna cry wee-wee-wee-- gets Electrocuted again this thing doesn't like my one-liners Mikey falls on top of Leo and both get hit by a train
Hana:What is happening
Both yell, Groan
Leo: Mikey what did you do?
Mikey:I don't know if it suits
Every time I do some razzamatazz this thing inflates and throws me off my game I need my razz and my tazz
Leo: And every time I drop a killer joke bomb this Stupid collar zaps me
Raph: My gift just keeps nagging me I didn't need to be told how to think
Mikey: Dose Donnie really think I'm a crazy kangaroo who needs to wear a padded suit so I don't hurt myself?
Raph: Dose he really thinks I need to be told what to do all the time
Leo: Right and who doesn't love my one-liners they fire up the team right guys
All: look at Leo
Hana: I think that Donnie was just trying to look after you guys and help you guys a little more but I do think this is a little much
Leo:Anyway we need to tell Donnie that he doesn't get to tell us what to be.
Raph: Yeah I know but he's got such a softshell.
Leo: but It's like he's trying to fix us what are we broken
Both: no
Mikey: What are you going to do about it leader, huh you gonna stand up and tell him his gifts stink
Hana:Or we can tell him a different way so he's not hurting
Raph: Yeah, I think I am
Cell phone rings
It's him
Mikey:Oh he's so going to get it
Raph: [softly] Ooh hey buddy hey, um really love the gifts you got us. Yeah we know how long it took you to make 'em and it was so thoughtful
All: shaking other head
Hana: Ok maybe not that's soft
But what's that hang on I'm putting you on speaker
Donnie: where did you guys go there all over me they're going to cook me alive Ah
Meat Sweats:A delicate soft shell A sprinkle of paprika Should unleash the flavor.
Raph Headgear Hey Raph you need a plan okay now according to Donnie's condescending hat, I need a plan
Leo: What do you get
Raph: Im not good at making plans
Hana: Hey it's on you got this
Leo: [Groans]
Mikey: of course, you're not, and I'm not good at fighting if I can't razzamatazz
Donnie:I'm still on speaker
Leo: And I'm not good at surprising my Lighting wit The point is: Who are we we are who we are
Raph: yeah and the only way we're gonna save the guy who's roasting on a spit is by being we
Hana: Yeah we got this
Meat Sweats cutting up carrots
Mikey: Hey meat Sweats
Raph: Distraction- Jitsu
Meat sweats: Come back I used an entire pound of butter on him
All: Running
Hana: that was a waste now wasn't it
Leo:Hey Meat sweat... Looks like you are about to get some shocking news while dropping in his neakgears
Oh-oh I love the smell of frying bacon in the morning
Meat Sweats: I must admit I do smell delicious
Donnie: Heh what are you doing
Leo: I'm getting the most out of your gift Donnie check it out -- Hey Meat Sweats I hear your baloney is full of you
Donnie: Hey, no, that's not how--
Leo- He's getting a little hot under his --
Mikey Chef Swaggart oh Big fan I was wondering um how do you get your meat so tender
Meat Sweats: You got to pound it
Mikey jumps from the wall
Who am I? Ah, yeah, and knock-out meat sweats
Donnie: Hey, Hey that is not how you were supposed to use those I spent a lot of time on--
Mikey: Uh-oh oh my Gosh
Raph: blocks meat sweat from hiring Donnie and hits him instead who
Raph Headgear Hey Raph you need a plan he uses the helmet and punches Meat Sweats Donnie your gift really brought out the best in us
Leo:Im funnier
Mikey: In bouncier
Raph:and Im smash-in your gift are the stuff
Donnie:But you we're supposed to-- ah forget it you guys are great the way you bring it in Group hug

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