Pizza Puff

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[Munhing loudly]
Man: These pizza puffs are amazing! Can I double my order?
Meatsweat: certainly Chef Flambé.just give us one moment. I'm just adding a special ingredient just for your clientele. Your restaurant will be the talk of the town. Meat was adding some kind of poison.
Chef: If I don't eat themselves.
Meats: Here you go matey. Guaranteed to slay with flavor.
Raph: Not so fast Sweats.
Hana: Your mystic poison puff is off the menu.
Raph jumped on top of Meats. While Hana flew down.
Chef: Poison. But their so delicious-the chef went to pick up the puff but Hana stopped him.
Hana: Didn't you hear me? They're dangerous. Meats was going to attack Hana but Raph stopped him and pushes him and had him pinned down.
Rpah: Isn't a restaurant supplier. This is your old rival, Rupert Swaggart.
Hana: Aka Meats Sweats. First, he lures you with delicious puffs, then sells you poison one to ruin your business. He was going to do this to all his old rivals. The chef tried to eat it again. Hana stopped him again
Hana: Dude they're poison!
They heard. A truck moving
Meats: And I would have gotten away with it, if not for you pesky turtles.
Raph does a pose
Raph: Red Angle Preventing Harm saves the day. No thanks to my lame bros who flaked on the mission.
Hana: How come I don't have a nickname?
Raph: Don't worry I'll think of one for you.
Raph patted her hair
Hana went to pick up a pizza puff off the floor but so did the chef.
They looked at each other.
Hana: seriously.
Raph: Hello. Is anyone going to think Raph&Hana for saving New York? By ourselves? Again? While everyone was asleep and bit helping? No one answered. Yeah, that's what I thought.
Hana: Maybe next time.
Hana&Raph went to the kitchen to put the bag away.
Raph: Guess I'll have Donnie, Analyze these in case there are any more out there. If ever bothers to wake up
Hana: why can't you? do it.
Raph: Donnie has the tools for it.
Hana: Unfair. I help save New York and I can't do something as simple as this. I'm going to my room
Raph: Hana, it's not like that. You can help Donnie if you want. And the left
Raph signs the bag with dangerous DON'T EAT. And police tape.
Morning Time.
Raph& Hana went to get the bag. But they didn't see it.
Raph: What?
With the others.
Leo: Mm, delicious
Donnie: as you, I don't normally express emotions, but[shouts] That's good.
Mikey: It's like a thousand angles blessed each of my taste buds.
Raph: Yells. What are you guys doing? Those things have mystic poison in there. I clearly wrote Danger DO NOT EAT.
Leo: [laughs] We did not fall for that old chestnut.
Mikey: Shelfish Raph tried to Kepp us from eating his Pizza puff.
Raph: What, Raph doesn't lie.
Donnie: oh really. How about when you tell us training starts an hour earlier. Because you know we're always late. Hmm.
Leo: Oh when you tell Mikey. Take out the trash. A trash monster would eat him in sleep? Raph didn't know how to answer he looked for Hana's help.
Hana: He only does that because you guys are impossible. I can't trust you guys to do simple stuff. Like showing up for a mission and not eating poison.
Hana looked at the chart to show the stars
Raph 8 stars
Hana 8 stars
Leo 1/2 stars
Donnie 3 stars
Mikey 2 stars
Leo: What poison I don't feel anything.
Raph: Meats put a mystic toxin in...
Raph stopped talking when he said, Leo sweating a lot. Are you sweating
Leo: yeah a little, but only my hand on fire. See? right as rain. Leo's hands goes back on fire.
Hana:[mind] Oh man my sweet baby.
Mikey: overprotective Raph, carried about nothing.
Mikey neck was bending and his back bent backward.
Raph: see? It got you too
Mikey: what it's just a case of jelly bones? I'll be fine.
Donnie: Come to think of it. I have a bit of an upset stomach. Donnie's stomach became a monster. Maybe I didn't have enough. Donnie went to eat another one on the floor.
Raph: Don't eat that.
Donnie: oh yeah gross it's been on the floor.
Raph: And it's poison
Donnie: Asuaiming we believe you color me skeptical my Google will spot any- whoa that's a lot of mystic, okay I better analyze this puff and see if I can whip up an antidote.
Raph: Niw your talking sense.
Hana: you needed your goggles to see that when you can see that pizza puff doesn't have pink stuff on it.
Leo: Oh we take on the last trip on the flavor train!
Raph&Hana moth feels openChugga, chugga, school, choo.
Donnie cuts the pizza puff into three pieces.
Raph: no that's was our last chance to find cure. You're going to have jelly bones forever.
Mikey: Raph, Raph'll& Hana'll fix it
Raph: I am Raph.
Hana: see this is the problem. You guys expect us to solve everything. But we'll never be a strong team, unless you solve things yourselves. That's starts today. Now who's has an idea to track them down meats and find an antidote?
Leo: of you mean us
Raph: yes?
Mikey: okay fine. You know what my supper toung already found a clue. In the puff, I tasted social flour. The only door like that is at the Swedish bakery.
Donnie: Great. Raph, Hana go check it out. Hana can use her nose to sniff it out and you'll get there faster. And hurry up because I think Stoumchtello is getting worse.
Donnie's stomach growls.
Hana: I'm sorry weren't you listening?
Raph: where trying to teach you to solve things yourselves.
Leo kept jumping up
Mikey was sliding like a snake.
And Donnie's stomach was taking control.
Hana: Alright I'll drive
At the bakery.
Leo: Are you sure you want me to do this?  I don't feel so hot. And then Leo's went on fire on there we go.
Raphael need to know where Meats is.
Hana: and you are the team's Face man. Go in there and do what you do best, face
Leo groans
Leo: Hey buddy, I'm from the...oh I don't Swedish chef awards. And I'm here to give some kind of gold rolling pin. But I just need you to fill out a simple questionnaire And anywhere, what, where is Rupert Swaggert?
Man: oh the converted Goldenrolling pin. Sir Rupert's address is written on a note under states of plates. And if you just move them to the sink. I will retvie it
Leo: The stacks on the left or on the right. Never mind I'll get both. Leo was Crashing into everything.
The others just had to stand there.
Hana's tail was moving in fear.
Raph went into the store after.
Raph: What.
Leo: So about that address.
The chef kicks the out.
Chef: you can take Ruprts apron that he left behind.
Door slams
At home
Leo was under covers and with fans no him
Donnie: what are we gonna do now?
All Leo got out if the chef was his sweaty apron. Clam down Tummytello calm down.
Mikey went to raph
Mikey: Don't worry Hana&Rpahwill bail us out of this like they always dose .
Raph: I'm Raph and Im not bailing you guys out. Those guy a are hopeless without me. maybe I should help them
Deep voice Make them do it themselves that's the only way they'll learn.
Sweet voice: But there are just kids
Deep voice: Ans you can make them into men
Leo: Heh bud did you eat one of these puffs He asks as he lets them.
Raph:What you had more of those?
Leo: No that was the last one. He eats one more. Okay that was the last one
Raph: Come on you guys you can do this is the apron a clue? Maybe Donnie can run some tests on it.
Donnie: why would waste my time on fake science when you we can the Smell you later
Next, you know Donnie was on top of the turtle tank with Hana flying
With a big nose
Donnie: Meats is definitely to the east
Leo groans
Donnie: How fascinating and varied are the robust scents of New York City? Oh no the garbage strike. No
Hana: Now you know how it felt to be me every day.
Donnie: No, no, no cheese aging district. There's to the marina.
Donnie, Mikey&Raoh get off 
Donnie: Meast stank Semmes to be coming from over there.
Mikey: Okay Raph time to smash your way on bored and make meats give us the atodote.
Leo take his phone out.
Hana: Uh Mikey me and Raph we're in the tank what part of solving this yourselves don't you understand?
Leo: well I guess it's up to us. But first how about some pizza puff
Hana:[yells] Stop. Eating. The .poison
They was on his boat.
Leo: Okay Meats hand over the antidote.
Meats: you look a mess. Survey you right for monkeying with my plan to ruin my rivals restaurant what say we even the score
Leo went to attack but sleep over his own sweat and went right into Meats Hammer.
Donnie did the same but Meats used fish against him.
Donnie: Why did it have to be scrod and the Leo landed on Donnie
Mikey who was in a bowl tried to escape
Mikey laughs but was screaming after.
Raph& Hana are on the other side of the phone
Raph: I got to help them
Deep voice: No They'll never learn if you always help them, Raph
Sweet voice but I can't just sit here
Deep vice it's for the best of them
Raph started to fight himself
Hana: I'm living with babies.
Meats: I'll have you for dinner. But you three look like spoiled meat.
Mikey: I knew we'd never be able to do this without Raph&Hana's help.
Donnie: Leo give me the great of the pizza puffs.
Leo: Well I don't have any more.
Donnie grabs a bug bag from him
Leo: Aw man those really was my last one.
Donnie launched the pizza riffs in meat's mouths.
Meats: Oh my those are good. Oh good what's happening to this little piggy.
Little pigs were growing on him and the he got really tall and then he went for the antidote.
Mikey: that must be the antidote. Leo save us with my jelly bones. Mikey get the antidote. Drinks it and so does Leo.
Donnie: it was fun having you Tommytelllo
Donnie drinks it too.
Meats: wait let's talk this over just a sip.
Donnie: Ah a moral quandary. Do we give the antidote to the villain
Leo: Or he drinks the last of it. Whoa, everything he masks is delicious.
The turtles won't back.
Only to see Raph with a black Eye. and Hana trying to fix him.
Raph: I knew you guys could do it.
Deep voice No you didn't. I did
Raph: oh you want to go
Deep voice brings.
Raph started to fight with himself again.
Leo: Raph will take care of it.
Hana: I can:?' who wants to go home?
All: Me.

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