Pizza Pit

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Ralph: it all started with a scratch.
Girl: This plan is so metal! Getting bitten by those glowing buses at out shows was the best thing that ever happened to the band.
Girl 2: I just can't wait to get my hands dirty!
Girl 1: Once we hit these four spots everyone will know the name. DIGG! Band roll-call!
Honey Badger. Silent bass enforcer.
Ground Hog. Summer by day Wildcard by night. And f course, me, your fearless leader Praire Dog!
Ground Hog: Dig, dig, dig, dig, dig!
Prairie dog: Rock and roll!
[rubble clattering]
Ground Hog: Sorry I can't help myself. I just gotta dig!
Prairie Dog: The acoustics in the hole are insane! Check out my solo.[rapid chords]
Ralph: The moon was full like a big pie of pizza, and that can only mean one thing--
Raph*Pizza week*
Leo*Pizza week*
Donnie*pizza week*
Mikey*pizza week*
They all jump off of a building
All four of them: Pizza week
Donnie: And Scene.
Hana: Man you guys have got to stop doing that for Pizza Week.
Mikey: Why would we it's our favorite week besides seeing Leo and Donnie fight over who gets to do everything first on their birthday.
Donnie: as I would continue to say I am the oldest one.
Leo: No I am.
Hana: Mikey look at what you did.
Mikey: apps
Ralph: Everybody, set your stomachs to "I'm not stopping till I explode" mode. It's time we get our pizza on!
Hana: it's a known fact that wolves and Hawks eat more than Turtles so this shall be easy
Leo: it is not a known fact.
Donnie looks it up
Leo: oh would you look at that it is.
Mikey: Get ready for the delicious flavors and complex emotions of our first stop, and my personal favorite, Lou Mike-Toney's pizzaaa.
The Pizza place crumble
Mikey: Noooooo!
Ralph: where did it go?
Leo:oh, I think it closed.
Donnie: My phone says it's open till 10:00.
Hana: oh come on it didn't just close it got destroyed.
Mikey: Who would do this? Why pizza supreme in the Sky? Why do you test us like this? [cricket chirping] Why aren't you guys more upset?
Hana: Believe me I feel your pain but.
Ralph: Oh

Donnie: Oh man what a tragedy that just... Hurts me. uh, I'm very sad.

ikey: You didn't like Lou Mike-Toney's?
Donnie: Yeah, I found a bug once and that was really it for me.
Mikey [sobbing]
Hana hugs mikey
Hana: It's okay
Note: Rember that Mikey is really small and Hana is almost as tall as Raph so when she hugs him Mikey's head is right on her chest isn't he lucky and Leo wishes that was him🤭 back to the episode
Donnie: Oaky, now that we've all moved on, let's. get us some of my favorites, Tony Lou's pizza!
[boom]the Building falls
Donnie: I only pretend to care when it happened to Mikey's favorite place. But now that it's happened to me, I hurt.
Mikey: Both our favorites were sinkhole! This is the worst pizza week ever!
Donnie: To lose one pizza place is just New York real estate. But to lose two pizza places is... A conspiracy that goes all the way to the top! What do Lou Mikeym-Tony and Tony Lou's Pizzeria have in common?
Hana: Besides both pizza places?
Donnie: Exactly! They are both pizza places. But not just any pizza places. Two of our favorite pizza places and what's the key thing have in common?
Ralph: Uh... besides having the same name but in different order?
Donnie: Do you think that's important?
Leo: No.
Donnie: Whatever! It's us. We are the link between all these places, ergo, whoever's behind this isn't only after pizza. They're after us. And clearly, we all know that it's pizzasaurs, the evil spawn of the loxh Ness Monster and Big Foot cover Pizza Week!
Leo: Pizzasaurus? We've been over this. None of those things are real.
Raph: Clam down Everything gonna be fine. We just need to eat. So let's get to the next place as fast as possible. To the shell Hogs. Let's get our pizza on! Ha. If only life were that simple.
Leo:Thank the pizza supreme in the sky! My favorite place--Mike-Tony's favorite Lou pizza-- is still here.
Raph: See? Everything's fine.
Hana: Knowing what we go through it won't be in a few seconds
[People screaming]
Narrator Raph: Everything was not fine.
Donnie:these must be the creature destroying our pizza places!
Prairie Dog: It's the Man! let's blow this joint before it kills our vibe!
Ground Dog: Is that the same as Dig I Dig Digging? Ooh, I'm gonna do, dig, dig! They dig underground
Raph: Hey
Donnie:After them! [engines revving]
All: Aaahhhh!
Hana: I don't understand why you guys get bikes and I don't
Donnie:  you see Hana snice you have Wings...
Hana: It was a rhetorical question I don't need an answer.
Donnie: Oh... Okay[Scared donnie]
Mikey: Why is this pizza week so hard? [Sreaming continues][engines revving]
Raph: What it's them.
Groundhog: dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig,!
Ralph to Donnie Hana, Leo: you guys take the ones on the right. We'll go left.
Leo: Cowabunga!
Groundhog: Dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig,
[tires screeching]
Dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig dig, dig, dig, dig!
Donnie: where is she?[Chorling] Huh?
Leo: Ga-ee
The Honeybadger was crawling behind them
Hana: You. Gotta be kidding me.
All: Aah!
Groundhog:Dig, Dig-- [groans]
Mikey: Wah ha ha ha ha! I'm usually a peaceful turtle. But you destroyed my favorite thing in the world! You... Will feel pain!
Groundhog: Hoo hah hah hah hah hah!
She dig under other her.
[all screaming]
They all fall down.
Leo: Ha. Huh? Oh, no, Mike- Tony's! Donnie:She's going to send a sound wave through that pillar and take out the whole building! Get me close!
Hana: My ears can't take that much sound we have to stop her.
Leo rides up the wall with Hana right behind him.
ParireDog: Rock and roll!
Donnie tries to hit her but fails
ParireDog: Soundcheck. Punk rock!
** So long loser!
Hana has her Ears down but since it so loud it hurts her no matter how hard she tried not to listen
Raph: Drive!
[engines revving]
Since Hana can't hear anything she's relying on her eyes and Noes for help
They end up leaving before the Place clapspes
Leo: Ahhhhhh Nooooooo!
All: Aaaaahhhhhh!
Leo: Mike Tony's
Mikey: Why do they have to tear down everything that's beautiful in the world?
Narrator Raph: Truth is, I had no answers just ideas. Boys, pizza week is not just a week. It's a week about family coming together. It's seven days of putting aside what makes us different and coming togetherness pizza lovers.
Donnie: does he think we don't know what week is?
Narrator Raph: I wasn't sure they knew what a week was.
Raph: Five weekdays and a weekend that culminates in me eating my favorite pizza in the whole wide crazy world.
Leo: Dose he know that those mutants are on their way to sinkhole Mike and Lou: The brothers Tony pizza?
Rpah: Huh say what now?
Leo: Didn't you hear these mutants say, "Three down, one to go"?
Ralph: Yeah, but they could be talking about anything. Ha. Right? Right?
Hana looks at him with are you for real right now.
Note: The reason why you guys are not talking that much is because you guys are still is not hearing that we'll so she doesn't want to add on to the noise she can only hear from One and not even that much.
The turtles plus Hana have their Bug suits on.
Leo: This is a random health inspection! Everybody out!
[accordion music continues]
Chef: Heath inspection?
Raph: sir, we've received reports that uh...
Chef gives him Puppy dog eyes.
Hana: [Mind] Mikey is better
Ralph: [tearfully] I can't do this guys. It'll ruin him
Mikey: I got it. I'll be Dr.Delicat Touch
Note: Man you gotta love Dr. Delicate Touch I mean I do.
Mikey goes up to him and Yells in his face.
Mikey: You've got bugs!
[all screaming]
Leo looks at Mikey Raph looks sad so Hana gave him a hug
Chef: Bugs? This is the first time in 25 years I've ever had any kind of bug---
Leo: Okay, fine we're all having a bad day--get over it.
Ralph: I just want you to know, sir, that we'll have your place open so you can get back to serving high-quality pies in--
Mikey close the door
Mikey: Enough! Let's get back to exterminating! Wah-hah-hah-hah-hah!
Hana flinches a little.
Donnie saw that and wondered why.
Donnie to Leo: So should we be worried about him?
Leo: Probably
Mikey: They're all going to pay!
Prairie Dog: Soon everyone know our name-- Dig what should we do for our first music video, huh?
[Drilling sound]
Ralph: can we fight them with the drill?
Donnie: No! It will be far too effective. Your personal vendetta against us is over!

 Your personal vendetta against us is over!

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The weapon Hana has

Donnie blows the drill up
Prairie Dog: What are you idiota talking about? We've never met you before today.
Raph: Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Sure! Attack
Mikey: Cowabunga! [battle cries] [Chortling]
All but Hana: Whoa! Oh
[overlapping yelling ] Mikey tries to hit her
GroundHog: Dig!, Dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig! Dig, dig, dig, dig, dig,dig, dig,
Mikey: Stop saying that.
Donnie: All right why we you ruining pizza week?
Prairie Dog: Who cares about pizza? We're an underappreciated band.
Donnie: That hates pizza!
Prairie Dog: Why are you so focused on the pizza? We're taking out the pillars.
Donnie: Pillars?
Prairie Dog: once we take out this last support pillar, the Kaufman Coliseum will sink down, giving us a captive audience to rock out for. Yeah
Raph: Time out. So you're saying this isn't a multilevel conspiracy that may or may not involve the mayor or Illuminati or centers around taking down our four favorite pizza places?
Prairie Dog: No. We don't even like pizza dude.
Groundhog: Unless pizza for digging!
Hana: [mimd]Oh man I can't with her
Mikey went behind them.
Mikey: So you're saying that not only did you destroy everything I love in the world, but you didn't even have the common courtesy to know you were doing it ?!
Hana holds Mikey down.
Rpah: so you guys just wanna play a gig?
Groundhog: Yes! And gig rhymes with dig!
Narrator Raph: Like I said,  pizza week is a magical time. It can bring families back together...
Chef: For too long my family has been torn apart by pizza. But no more! Today we come together as Famous Lou-Mike-Tony-Toney's pizza!
Narrator Raph: It can create new beginnings.
Chef: Hit it, my costumed friends!
Prairie Dog Band Sings
Narrator Raph: It can make dreams come true. And that's how for one week, or five weekdays and two weekend days pizza week was saved by me
Leo: Who are you talking to?
The Turtles were eating Pizza.

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