The Hidden City Job

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Leo&Hana were in the Hidden City in the Bone Man restaurant Leo thinks it was a date but was not sadly It was not. Leo needed some help.
Leo: Okay Senor Hueso my beloved brother Donatello had a bit of a spat so what kind of pizza says I'm sorry I called you a selfish, egg-headed weirdo.
Bone man: I don't know Hawaiian
Leo: Ohh Donnie considered pineapple and Ham incobatabuble like I said a weirdo.
Hana: Leo be nice to Donnie has his own taste in things. No need to judge him
Bone man groans
Suspenseful music
Someone came from a portal.
A Yokai made of skin
Bone man: What Alright. He picks up a spoon. Get out of here you miserable cru.
Leo: I'll get the Hawaiian Mama Mia
Bone mana started to fight The man.
Leo: Caption pie? What bring you to this dump? How are things?
Hana hits Leo for saying that.
Leo: Oww.
Bone man: My brother is here. he's to no good.
Piel: Hesou I have gone straight no more crimes. No more piracy.
Bone Man went for the final attack
Bone Man: I don't believe you. But the spoon was just sucked into his body.
Piel grabs him
I have come for your help brother.
Bone man: I can help you.
Hana&Leo: Huh
Bone man: Right to the door.
He was pushing him out
Leo: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You can't just kick out your untrustworthy criminal brother. He's family. What do you need Skin Man?
Piel: Just a favor. I have given my own life but to be fully free there is one last dept I must repay so I humbly ask your help for one last mission.
Bone Man: No. I don't need my life shaken up by a cheap vinaigrette
Piel: I knew it was a mistake to think you'll give me a second chance.
Leo: Wait. I know a brother squabble when I see one and there's no one better to un-squabble you than moi.
Bone man: Aren't you here because you fought with your brother?
Hana: That was Leo.
Leo: And if someone didn't try to upsell me on Hawaiian, I'd have it fixed by now. Come on captain pie you can count on us. Vamonos
Hana: Yeah that's my life come on.
[Upbeat music]
All walking
Bone man: So what's this mission of yours? And it better not involve theft.
Piel: is it theft to take something that belongs to you? Three weeks ago someone stole the one item that I need to pay for the most crucial depth of all
Leo: Ah ethical-acceptable heist what's the plan
Piel: We must in fortunate an action tonight for the hidden city elit. There we will find the treasure we seek but to fit in with the glamorous guest we would need a fancy ride to fly us to the auction house.
Bone man: a Simurgh? We can't afford I knew it you're stealing one.
Piel: I'm sorry without bones I do not gesture very well. We will tame a wild Simurgh.
Leo: So what's the deal? Break it like Bronco? Kiss it like a wolf. Ride it like a rainbow
Hana blushed a little thinking about what Leo said.
Bone man: Sure hope on.
Leo went to get on
Hana: you shouldn't temp him like that he'll get on top of anything.
Leo: Ye-haw
The bird moves out of the way and Leo lands flat on his face.
The brothers start to laugh.
Hana got mad and hit both of them.
Hana: Ugh you boys will laugh at anything.
Leo: See I'm un-squabbling you two already.
They stopped after that.
Bone man: Let's get on with Peil play the jaunty tune.
Piel started to play the flute
Bone man: Ha ha we have caught his eye Dance to joyful dance. I will dance, but the childlike joy will not be in my heart.
Bone Man did a spin and dropped
Leo: Yeah!
Peil: She has accepted us. Great work my brother now get in the Joey pouch
Bone man: What. No
Peil: What my invitation was for one I will need to sneak you three in.
Leo: Hueso if your brother asks you to get in a Joey pouch then you get in a Joey pouch. Now what is a Joey pouch?
[Suspenseful music]
Piel was flying while Leo, Bone man& Hana was in the Joey pouch.
Bone man: That chicharron stuffs us into Joey's pouch He just using us
Leo: Man I got to get one of these for the lair.
Hana wasn't paying attention her wolf was coming out so she just snuggled up to Leo she was tired after all.
Leo was loving that of course 🤭
They landed and then the four of them left.
Yokai: She took the Hidden City by storm with her new battle nexus Champion shadow friends and now she has us all under her eight iron thumbs. Give a mandatory warm welcome to your host, Big Mama
Big Mama: Hello my Money-tenacious monster are you ready for a little biddy-bo?
Bone man: piel you did not tell us it was her auction.
Piel: Ah si, si only because I knew you wouldn't have come.
Hana: We wouldn' have come either if we knew it was her.
Big Mama: Rember this is all to raise money to my favorites charity-me and my upcoming fantabulous nexus battle Wizbag
Hana&Bone Man: Since we wish to live we will not be taking from big Mama. They went to walk away. Leo grabbed them both.
Leo: You can't quit on your brother? When Donnie needed me to pull out his baby tooth did I give up? No. I kept on yanking and twisting and pulling until it came out.
Hana: you pulled out the wrong tooth.
Leo: But it was a big tooth.
Bone man: Fine let's get this over with.
Hana: I'm still going home
Leo: Hana do you trust me to go against Big Mama myself? Leo was hoping for a certain response
Hana: Of course I trust you it's her I don't. Ugh fine once we get this done I'm going home and nice bath. Let's go.
Piel: Hers the plan where after item 38 that's three eight once that item is sold they go back into the impenetrable vault so we must get item 38 while it's still in the back room.
Big Mama: Item 38 sold.
All: What?
Big Mama: take it back to the impenetrable vault. Now item 1,
Leo: Who does 38 first?
Hana: That's my mom for you
Bone man: Ah well this has been fun. Shall we get a nice falafel?
Piel:it's gone into the vault.
Leo: we can still get it. We just need something to sell.
Big Mama: And now open the biddy-vids onto item two
Bone man:[ckears throat] Uh we still have item 1.5. To Leo who was under a sheet. I do not think this will work.
Leo: Yes it will just read the card.
Bone man: item 1.5 The turtle Adonis Behold the exquisite physical and chiseled chin and-
Big Mama: Stop the auction. Teeth chattering. I love it I had no idea we had an item this scrumulent. Take it my private gallery.
Piel: No, I will give you one doubloon.
Big Mama: I guess I don't want it that much. Take it to the vault.
All Three scream as they fell
[shouting and grunting ]
Leo: we're in great now let's find item 38. Leo started to look around
Hana: Nah we're okay thanks for asking. Wait, No we are alone in a vault with no means of escape a peil is nowhere near. Your brother set us up.
Leo: Guy chill Bros always have your back.
Leo: Well find item 38 and he'll be right outside the door, ready to whisk us away in that snooze-tastic joye pouch. Hey Hey Hey here it is it feels empty I shall open it.
Hana&Bone man: No, no, no, no, no
Leo: Ahh
Bone man: It's a banshee box
Leo destroys the box after a few hits
Hana: I knew it he using us as bait so he can steal something
[sirens blaring ]
Leo: Classic brother betray. My brother does that all the time. They had their hands up. You know what's going to happen Hana had her eyes black. Hana went and attacked the guards
They all ran out to try to leave
Leo: hey our birdie. Leo ended up bumping into Piel
Bone man: Piel
Piel: Ah, Hueso, Leo & Hana I was just coming to get you.
Bone man: No you were not you set us up to take the fall, so you could pull off another one of your crimes.
Piel: I indeed used you as a distraction, but I knew you and your clever partner would escape.
Hana growled at him
Leo: Liar, liar although you do have a great point about how clever I am.
Piel: Believe me Hueso. I just wanted to give this treasure back to you.
Bone man: For me.
Piel: si Hueso the debt I had to pay was to you. Something I took from you may years ago.
Bone man took the bag to see his
Bone man: My jewel-encrusted pizza is cuter. This was git from Papa.
Piel: I took it from you bei was jealous that Papa never gave me anything so
Bone man: papa gave you your first ship.
Piel: Yeahvthat was after the pizza cuter. But then I was already scrum but I always felt guilty. I even made this pirate flag in your image, as a way of saying I love you.
Leo: Aww see? Brother never dies im glad you got back together, anyways we've been surrounded by goons for some time.
Piel grabbed Leo& Bone Man and floated away to the ground only to be surrounded by more goons.
Big Mama: A turtle-boo. What is with you stealing from Big Mama? And is that my sweet Hana?
Hana just growled not able to say anything to her
Big Mama: Oh look at you and your spider eyes not able to fully transform
Leo:[mind] Transform
Big Mama: Anyways I've been itching for a good trashy-diddle.
Leo: Okay the clever one is worrying if you know a way out of this. Maybe.
Bone man: Piel you remember how close we would be as children?
Piel: Ah as skin&Bones together again
They came as one.
Leo looked Wow you guys are handsome.
Don: Leo do not Stare directly at Don suava.
Leo looked away whole Hana didn't seeing how he had no affected on her seeing how she's not herself
Don looked at Big Mama and gave her a wink and she feels down
He did the same with the rest.
Note: It's late and I did not feel like doing all of that and saying what he said I'm sorry I might fix it later but then I probably won't if I'm being honest.
After that Don was riding the bird and Leo was hanging on to him tight while Hama was flying beside them.
At the restaurant
Leo had a pizza box in his hand and Bone Man was citing it
Bone man: Thank you Pepino for helping me reunite with my beloved brother as a token of my gratitude a free pizza
Hana: I help too.
Leo: and you know what I'm going to do? Share it with my beloved brother
Hana&Leo got in the Joey pouch with Donnie
Donnie: Oh your we're so right Leo this joey pouch is a tropical paradise
Leo: pizza
Donnie: Ugh Hawaiian.
Hana: Just eat the pizza

Note: I probably won't post tomorrow seeing how I will be going going out with a friend even if I do it will only be one and then the last one Sunday I'm spending my Monday with my family I hope you understand and The movie will be right after season 2 and no I did not forget about my other stories I just what this completed so I can focus on those later I have amazing ideas for them don't worry and yes I will take ideas for you guys I don't you guys enjoy your Memorial day and until next time my friends

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