Bug Busters

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Note before this starts I'm going to say one thing if you know what episode this is then you should know what they're wearing but Hana it's different she actually has a skirt with Leggings on since her tail would have felt uncomfortable in the whole outfit just so you know ok episode time

Turtle tank driving
Mikey: Donnie, I need an update.
Donnie: Okay, one more time: Baron Draxum created ooze and put it in carrier bugs that bite people and turn them into mutants, and for some reason, it's up to us to stop the whole situation.
Hana: Donnie did you forget that it was our fault that there out in the first place
Donnie: It was not
Mikey: No, I need an update for my phone.
Raph: Focus. The news said this hotel was full of oozesquitoes. We're suited up, so let's get down to business.
Hana:[Mind] But aren't we already mutants so why do we have to suit up
[People screaming ]
All make a flashy, entrance to the hotel.
Raph: Okay, bugs, it's just you and us.
Doorman:And me. I'm here too.
All look at him
Hana: Why
Leo: Do not fear, sir. We are unlicensed amateurs, and we have the situation mildly under control.
Hana: Ok you maybe shouldn't have said like that
Doorman: Ew, your skin's all green.
Leo:Relax, sir. It's a perfectly normal side effect of all the chemicals we use.
Raph:All right, remember the plan. Attract, smash. Zap, smash. Bash, smash
Doorman:Ah, no, no, no, no, no, nope.
Don't break anything! The boss have my hide.
Hana:Sir do you want to be saved or not?
Doorman:[mind] Wow she's cute I wonder is dating anyone
He runs from the bugs
Leo: I say we revise Raph's plan to make sure this guy doesn't get mutated.
Hana:I mean it would be an upgrade for him
Raph: Hana no bad girl
Hana:What, Fine
Raph:Stick to the plan. If we capture the oozesquitoes, nobody gets mutated. All right, Mikey &Hana, you're up.
Hana: I can't believe I agree to this part
Mikey: Roger, Skipper. Honey-based distraction released.
He uses it on Hana and himself
Mikey&Hana: We're so sweet, baby. Come get us!
Leo: Oh man she does look sweet
Hana:[Mind] It's going to be hard getting this Honey off my tail I'm going to need help.
Mikey drops things while Hana is watching where she is going
Doorman: No, no, no! Ah, hey be careful. [Screams] No, no Gentle.
Hana: [mind] He really needs to stop screaming
Raph: Zappin' like a-- he Zapps the doorman by accident
Doorman: Not me, the bugs!
Leo: Get behind me. My trusty cloud of noxious gas will save you.
Raph:Leo, you're wasting it. We need that for the bugs.
Leo:I'm protecting this guy.
They start to scream in each other faces
Donnie: Okay, bus, Check-in time is now o'clock. He throws one of his devices at him and traps it
Yes! [Laughs] The big breaks out
Mikey: Cowabunga
Hana: Look out Mikey falls onto Donnie activating his Ball and ends up
Trading everyone and with Honey
Leo: Plan is really coming together, Raph. No more honey next plan. They end up rolling off
The Doorman gets stung by the bug and gets Mutated
Doorman:oh, that's odd.
Big Mama: Mm, so that's how it happened. Oh his love of beef jerky was his downfall. Oh and my Sweet Hana look how much you've Grown only if your dad was here to see you
Mutated Doorman: runs away. Oh, that's
Raph: Gah, no, Leo, if you just listened to me, we would have gotten the bugs and been hosing Mikey&Hana down by now.
Leo: We did listen to you, Raph, and that persnickety guy was ironically mutated into a clumsy bull.
Hana: In all honesty still an upgrade on how he looked before.
Donnie:Hey, how about we continue this classic Raph-Leo argument outside the trap? Donnie gets them untrapped
[All groan]
Mikey: Look at this mess. We gotta do the right thing, guys, and get out of here.
Hana: Normally I would tell you that's the wrong answer but im too tired to say anything.
[Elevator dings]
Donnie: Uh-oh
Humans, be cool.
Big Mama: Well, you've turned my hotel into quite the fizzy-winkle.
Raph: You sure that was us? I tell you what we totally human exterminators will waive our usual fee and--
Big mama: Don't fret. My people will sort out this crackadoo.
[Fast-paced upbeat music]
Raph: Well, since you have this under control, we'll be heading back to our human office as humans do.
Hana:You are not good at this are you Raph?
Big mama: No need for Flin-Flam. You're amongst your kind. She claps And even humans swap into their regular form back into mutants.
Mikey: Whoa. What Mutants can work here?
They take their Suits off.
Big mama: Murant? What strange words you use. We prefer to call ourselves Yokai. Come, I'll give you the grand tour.
Leo: Okay, anyone else thinks we shouldn't follow a stranger we just met into who knows what now?
Raph groans
Hana: Come on she doesn't think we're freaks this is once in a lifetime kind of thing
Raph: She's a nice lady, Leo. What's not to trust?
Hana is keeping her guard up because she does agree with Leo but she still has a little trust in her but not too much.
[Elevator dings]
Big mama: Yokai level five, please.
Bird: Yes Big Mama. Welcome, Gentle turtles and Miss, to the best hotel in town.
Donnie: Whoa.
Raph: Awesome. Did Draxum create everyone in here?
Big Mama: Draxum whatever is a Draxum?
Leo:I'm sorry you've never heard of Baron Draxum. Tall, ugly dude with talking gargoyles for shoulder pads?
Likes to make mutants in his spare Time? None of this ringin' a bell?
Hana: Well aren't you lucky
Big mama: Sounds fascinating. No, we yokai have existed for thousands of eons. Most live in the hidden city, but my hotel gives them a chance to kick up their flippers and stretch out their Bollywood.
All: Whoa.
Mikey: This place is amazing! What is it?
Big Mama: Our sporting lounge where you can take in the ferocious fights of the Battle Nexus.
Mikey: Sounds scary.
Hana's tail wags a little from the excitement that she seeing
Leo sees this and smiles a little seeing how it's rare for her to do that.
Yokai's Fighting
Big Mama:Heavens, no, unless you're put off by blood-curdling battles where warriors are ripped limb from limb.
Mikey:Hey, guys remind me not to ask any more questions.
Hana: yeah sure
gargoyle 1: Mm, do those turtles and that weird Human girl look familiar to you?
Gargoyle 2: I think they do but I can't be too sure.
Gargoyle 1: Well, that's what Familiar means. I think they're the ones who exploded boss' lab and let all his oozesquitoes loose.
Gargoyle 2: oh yeah. I thought I just knew them from spin class.
Big mama: So this Drazum' oozequioes are causing quite the tissle-tassle by creating all these new mutants. Oh, so troubling gives us yokai a bad name. I prefer a low profile. Excuse me while I slip into something a little more comfortable.
Big mama turns into her Yokai form
Mikey: Ohmigosh
Donnie:Mutant arachnid
Mikey: Ladybug
Hana: Did you just say ladybug and this is why I have trust Issue
Leo: Oh, I knew it. Not that specificlly,but had to be something
Big mama: I see my true form shocks you.
Raph: You would have hurt a nice spider lady's feelings, wouldn't you Leo?
Mikey: Boo
Donnie noticed a picture of Big mama with a child but decide to keep that to himself
Big mama: You know come to think of it, Perhaps my web could be of use in catching the bugs. I have no means to splort them around town, but surely a genius like you could create a clever device to use them to capture the bugs.
Donnie: okay, I know what you're doing. You're just trying to flatter me with the truth, and I love it
Big mama: Well then allow me. She spits out webs from her mouth onto Donnie
Donnie: As fascinating as it is hideous. Oh, I hate it
Mikey: oh
Leo: Ew
Hana: I've seen worse
Big mama: Once you catch the oozesquitoes, bring them to me and I'll safely return them to the hidden city.
Raph: You got yourself a deal.
Leo: Raph, what are we getting into? In case you haven't noticed, these mystic types have a nasty habit of tying to kill us.
Hana: Leo's right how can we be sure we can fully trust her.
Raph: you guys being crazy. She's helping us catch the oozesquitoes. Don't look like a gift spider in the mouth.
Donnie: Never look her in the mouth.
Hana: let me help clean you up.
In the Turtle tank
Donnie: I looked it up. Bitey bugs from phylum Arthropoda are attracted to carbon dioxide.
Raph: Leo let it loose.
Leo release carbon dioxide from Donnie has tank
Raph: Fire up the big slapper
Donnie: Genius powers, go!
Donnie is riding his flying hover bord
[Bug Slapper Zapping] Donnie is chasing after the big
Donnie: what oh, no. Eat silk, bug eyes! Dead eye Donnie shoots and touchdown! Or insert correct sports reference.
Hana: Nice one Donnie

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