12:18 a.m
Pang pang pangx3, kedengaran bunyi tembakan pistol. Leo perlahan perlahan melalui lorong yg berdindingkan kaca. Orang yang melihat dia lalu menabik hormat kepadanya sambil memanggil tuan, Leo tidak mengendahkannya dan yg lain pun tidak berani bersuara. Leo masuk ke satu bilik yang sgt gelap, dia kemudian membuka lampu dan duduk di kerusi pejabat berdepan dengan meja. Dia melihat ke gambar yang diletakkannya di atas meja, dia mengambil gambar itu dan tersenyum sendiri. 6 orang jejaka berpakaian serba hitam dan dibadan mereka terdapat senjata api smbil tersenyum gembira, mereka terlihat amat rapat antara satu sama lain. Dan kemudian dia melihat lagi frame gambar yg besar tergantung di dinding, 6 org jejaka sambil memegang senjata yang berlainan jenis dan terdapat bendera sesuatu organisasi di belakang mereka. "Huhh, disebabkan seorang perempuan, hancur persahabatan selama bertahun tahun." Kata Leo sendiri sambil tersenyum mengenang betapa bodohnya dirinya yang lalu.
Kemudian, dia berdiri dan menuju ke arah rak buku cermin. Dia membuka rak buku itu lalu mengambar satu buku berwarna hitam keemasan, lalu dia duduk semula dan mula membaca buku tersebut. "History". Dia membuka muka surat pertama, "The birth of the Elites, written by Jenny Mancy Lewis 'Cat'. Hmm, ini termasuk dalam skop kerja dia ke?" Kata Leo setelah membaca tajuk dan pengarang buku tersebut. Dia melihat logo Phoenix Family di muka surat pertama.
"Before we talked about The Elites, lets us find out what is the back of The Elite, The Phoenix Family. Founded by Adrian Martin Lewis, John Thomas Carter, the ex special force of British and Lee Yong, Ex Special Force from China. After retired, they emigrate to Malaysia and open a company. They found out that their company wouldn't make to much money, so they become parttime hitman and taking order to make more income. After that, they used the income to make the company more bigger and lets people invest on them. Three of them are getting married and having a child, they still being a killer but they don't want directly get involved to this so they build the Phoenix Gang, now known as Phoenix Family. Many people joining the family and putting whole loyalty to the family because anyone who betrayed the family will be executed." Baca Leo dalam hati. Leo kemudian membuka surat surat kedua dan terus membaca.
"Adrian Martin Lewis have three children, they are Ash Michael Lewis(Current Big Bos), Loh Maverick Lewis and Zack Miller Lewis. John Thomas Carter have one and only child Jack Carter and Lee Yong have two children, Richard Lee Chee and his adopted child, Kuregai Gai David. ('Ouh, uncle Gai anak angkat rupanya.' Kata Leo) Six of them are trained hardly to become the successor of them, They were known as The Gangs, the first batch of The Elites, with Ash Michael Lewis as their leader. They carried out the most important mission, one of the most important mission is they were paid to executed the President of USA, John Fitzgerald Kennedy. And to counter attack from mercenary because they have made too many enemy around the world. After the death of Adrian Martin Lewis, Ash Michael Lewis had to take over the throne of Phoenix Family." Baca Leo dalam hati, dia seperti malas membaca lagi dan kemudian dia terus menselak ke muka surat yang menyenaraikan nama ahli penting. Nama yang dipangkah bermaksud ahli yang sudah mati. Mereka juga mempunyai callsign tersendiri untuk menyembunyikan identiti semasa operasi.
Ash Michael Lewis 'Big Wolf'
Loh Maverick Lewis 'Bull'
Zack Miller Lewis 'Eagle'
Jack Carter 'Hulk'
Richard Lee Chee 'Swordsman'
Kurenai Gai David 'Loneman'
Angela Rose Zander 'Beauty'
Jenny Mancy Lewis 'Cat'
Hayden Mark Lewis 'Buaya'And more....
Leo selak lagi ke beberapa muka surat, terpapar gambar 6 jejeka yang sama seperti di mejanya.
"Leo Martin Lewis, Aries. Position, leader of The Gangs, Sniper. 30 March. Talented Sniper, hot temper, tricky, born with no fear at all."
"Lunacy Matthew Lewis, Sambar. Position, Hacker, Fighter. 01 September. IQ level 179. Most calmed person, born without sense of pain."
Gadis itu Isteri Aku (HIATUS)
Fiksi RemajaLeo Martin Lewis merupakan remaja yg bakal memasuki umur 18 tahun. Tetapi pelajar tingkatan 6 ini terpaksa berkahwin dengan seorang perempuan bernama Crystal Avren Felix, perkahwinan ini diatur oleh papa kepada Leo iaitu Tan Sri Ash Michael Lewis. T...