02 | Tournament

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TW : MIGHT HAVE SOME CURSE WORDS (I'm sorry I can't find any nicer vocabulary other than these curse words."

Kyung-min POV

Ughh I'm so tired, I couldn't sleep last night cuz I was binging kdramas all night.. oh and maybe because I was thinking about Ni-ki-

I got up, changed and ate breakfast. I decided last night that I was going to the tournament to cheer for Ni-ki- I mean our school. Today Kyung-won is going to school so Jooyeon offered to send us both to school. I entered the school to hear screams, ughh it must be those girls crying over the basketball players. They go there not to watch the game, but to watch those boys. Wait a min.. I'm doing the same-

We didn't have classes this morning so I went straight to the court. I sat down beside Danielle since she also happened to be watching the boys- tournament, yes tournament. I spotted Ni-ki in the crowd and he waved at me. I shyly waved back cuz I mean my damn crush is looking at me why wouldnt I feel nervous? The tournament started and it was between Heelift High School and J.Y.P High School. 

(I'm really sorry, i know nothing about basketball 😭)

The score was 4 - 11 and J.Y.P was winning, what happened? Ni-ki looked distracted the whole entire time and wasn't able to score any shots. Suddenly, a loud crash was heard. I looked and it was Ni-ki. I rushed down and helped him up. "You should bring him to the infirmary." A boy said to me as I nodded and slowly brought Ni-ki to the infirmary. "Are you okay Ni-ki?" I asked as I layed him down.

"Yeah I'm fine, I think I just twisted my ankle." He said making me sigh in relief. "Lemme call the nurse-" I said standing up but Ni-ki grabbed my wrist. "N-no it's fine, no need to disturb the nurse. She might be busy right now." "U-um so should I treat your ankle?" I asked and he nodded. Okay, what's wrong with him?

Ni-ki POV

Dammit, now Kyung-min has to treat me. Not like I don't want her too but I'm embarassed ughh. She was carefully bandaging my ankle while I was staring at her beautiful face. She's an angel in real life. "U-um N-ni-ki can you stop staring at m-me?" She said making me look away immediantly after mumbling a small 'sorry'. After she finished treating me she looked away, "I'm done now, u-um can I go now?" She asked making me feel a little guilty for keeping her here. 

"Sure, you can go now." I said making her run off. I could see that she was blushing and I found it really cute. I am such a simp. But only for her.

Kyung-min POV

AHHHH OMG I'm blushing as hell. Ughhh he was staring at me the whole time. Was it because I'm ugly? Wait no, I'm not near ugly. I'm pretty... right? Whatever. I was walking back to class when I bumped into a very cushiony person. "Watch where you're going, dwarf." Jiwoo said. She was definietly wearing some kind of cushion on her chest. "Sorry... whore." I said mumbling the word 'whore'. Unfortunately she heard it.

"What did you call me??!!" She asked as I looked her straight in her eyes. "A. whore." I said making her blood boil. She started pulling my hair and she caused a fight. I was just standing there since I didn't wanna cause a scene. Someone grabbed her hands away and hugged me. "Get off her, Jiwoo." A deep voice said. "J-Jungwon..." Jiwoo trembled as I chuckled. Jiwoo ran away as I high fived Jungwon.

"Tsk, you're finally back huh sheep?" I said making Jungwon scoff. "Better be glad I saved your butt, Min." "I could've done that too y'know." I informed Jungwon. "Yeah, because of me!" Tsk this guy is too proud of teaching me Taekwondo. Yang Jungwon is my childhood best friend and he had been teaching me Taekwondo ever since. Now I'm a pro and I can kick Jungwon's butt too (😀).

In class I met Ni-ki again. "Oh yeah, sorry for our school's lost." He apologized making me shake my head. "No no, it's ok. Anyways you seemed distracted during the tournament what's wrong?" 

Ni-ki POV

"No no, it's ok. Anyways you seemed distracted during the tournament what's wrong?"  Kyung-mi shook her head. Yeah what's wrong? It's all your fault Lee Kyung-min. I was thinking about confessing to you but now that we've lost, it's hopeless. "N-nothing, I was just thinking yeah thinking about something." Dammit I stuttered. "Oh ok then byee!" She said as I waved to her. we're in the same class but it feels like a whole different world. 

When will I ever get the chance to confess?


anyways thank you for reading and love ya guys <3

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