16 | Meeting the sisters

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Kyung-min's POV

It's Saturday and a week since the double date. I woke up to the sound of my phone's ringtone. "Ughh, whoever dares to call me this earlier, I will murder you." I didn't realize I already answered the call until, "Love, please don't murder me. I'm too young to be murdered by my girlfriend." "No, don't worry, but.. What do you mean by you're too young?" "O-oh, I would've thought that once we get married, you will most definitely torture me somehow. But I love you so I don't mind the torture." Riki said through the call making me laugh.

Seriously, this guy is so effortlessly weird and funny, I love it. "Lmao, ok now tell me why the hell did you call me at 9 AM on a Saturday?" "Well, it's my sisters. They said they wanna meet you, today. So?" "Sure, what time?" "Oh you agreed, they said to come for dinner." I started to get annoyed, "THEN WHY CAN'T YOU TELL ME LATER?!" "Princess, relax." He whispered making me calm down. Sheesh, the effect his voice can do to me. We both talked for a bit before I hung up. This guy thinks he'll waste my time, I didn't even get to eat breakfast, shower or do anything. 

I'm really lazy today so I just took a quick shower before running down the stairs in an oversized t-shirt and biker shorts or whatever they're called. I went downstairs to smell something burning. Oh no, is Jooyeon cooking? I walked over to the kitchen to see that idiot trying to fan out the pan. "YAH WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" "SORRY" He yelled as I kicked his butt away from the kitchen. I'm not the best cook, but at least I can cook fried rice. (i dont know how to stop burning food so..) 

After I cleaned up Jooyeon's mess, I cooked fried rice cuz that's the only thing I can actually cook. I called Kyung-won to come downstairs and suprisingly, he looked really happy today. "Why do you look so happy huh? My cooking isn't that good." I look at Kyung-won eating while smiling brightly. "It's not your cooking, it's that Mom said that you're visiting the Nishimura's house." "What about it?" "I'm coming with you~" "WHAT NO!" "Yes, mom said so, she said she doesn't trust Jooyeon hyung to look after me."

I spent the day watching kdramas. I got a call from Riki at about 5:30 PM. "Hello?" "Hey, are you ready? I'm coming to pick you up in 30 minutes." "Y-yeah, oh and what should I wear?" "You're not dressed yet?" I stayed silent making Riki sigh. "Wear something comfortable like, I don't know maybe a sweater and simple pants?" "Oh ok then, thank you, see you later!" I hung up and rushed to my closet. I pulled out the first thing I saw. (This is the reference, but without the backpack ↓)

I put on some light makeup before rushing to the door once I heard the bell

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I put on some light makeup before rushing to the door once I heard the bell. "You look cute." Riki said leaning down before pecking my cheek. "Ew stop. Let's just go please." Kyung-won dramarically gagged. I entered the car and sat in the passenger seat, while Kyung-won sat at the back. Riki suddenly leaned closer to me, I was taken aback. He just wanted to fasten my seatbelt.. We drove to his house, I just realized that I've never met his parents. 

"Riki? Where are your parents?" "Oh, they're currently in Japan so I live alone. Konon and Sola live at my aunt's house nearby." "But why don't you live with them then?" "I don't actually know, my aunt said that I can live by myself and I actually prefer living by myself." 

We arrived at Riki's house, he opened the door for me revealing two girls. One looks a year older than me. The younger one is Misola, I've met her before. "Omg, I know Riki said you're cute, but you're damn adorable. I'm Konon, his older sister." "I'm Kyung-min, this is Kyung-won. I already met Sola."  "Aww adorable siblings! Ok then, let's eat dinner?" We all nodded to what Konon said. It was kinda awkward to be honest, but I kept noticing Kyung-won staring at Misola. 

After dinner, we all sat down in the living room to play a game. We played a few games of which I do not know the names of. Misola and Kyung-won were spending their time together talking. I don't know why but I think Kyung-won seems to like her. I thought he liked Ichika? Thank god, Ichika is literally 6 years older and has a boyfriend. Konon and Sola left when their uncle picked them up. Riki, me and Kyung-won were left at Riki's house. I had to talk to Kyung-won.

"Wonnie? Come here, I wanna ask you something." He came and sat on the sofa beside me and Riki. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Do you maybe, perhaps, have a crush on Misola?" "I-I, fine, you caught me." "WHAT YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON MY SISTER?!" "Calm down, Riki. Does Misola also like you?" "She told me just now that she needs more time to think." Damn, children even got love lives these days. "I DO NOT ALLOW YOU TO DATE HER" Riki said as I hugged him. "Chill, now you know what Jooyeon felt when you said we were dating." 

"Fine lemme rephrase it. I DO NOT ALLOW YOU TO DATE HER, until you both are older." Riki said as I agreed. The whole car ride home was Kyung-won telling me how pretty, cute, smart Misola is. Damn I didn't know I got a simp brother too. "Bye, love. I'll miss you so much even thought we're meeting again on Monday." Well, technically he isn't the biggest simp around. I think Kyung-won isn't a simp. No matter how mature he is, he's still young so he's just stupid. 

Yo what's up, people! ... I have no tmi today so you're welcome :)

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