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Y/N was forced to stay in Minho's bunk, waiting for him to return. It was clear he was the most special out of the bunch.

Minho was pushed into the room, almost tripping over his own feet. The door slammed shut, and metal clinked as the locks were set in place. Now, it was just Y/N and Minho.

He was breathing heavily, knees shaking.

"You look like shit." Y/N piped up. Minho's head turned to face her. She was sitting on a rickety chair, polishing her gun.

Minho didn't bother to reply, still stunned by previous events as he collapsed on his bed. He looked at his hands, realising they were trembling.

He had been back in the Glade; he had seen Chuck, Alby, and Winston. He missed them. And then he was chased by a griever. It was horrifying.

"Did they put you through the hallucinations?" Y/N asked, placing her gun down as she gazed at Minho. He could only stare back, forehead glistening with sweat. Y/N took that as a yes.

"I wish I could say they get easier, but they don't."

Minho still didn't reply, but that didn't bother Y/N. She knew he wasn't going to anyway.

"Dinner is at six. Janson wants you in another room for now. You'll be moved to a bunk with other people in due time." Y/N stood up, grabbing her gun.

"Do you regret any of this?" Minho whispered, speaking for the first time.

"No." Y/N answered almost immediately, "WICKED will find a cure."

"When does all of this end?"

"When a cure is found."

Minho stood up, staggering towards Y/N. He stopped right in front of her, arms slowly swinging at his side. Y/N found herself taking a step back, her cheeks growing hot for an unknown reason.

"That's all you care about? Are all these innocent kids worth sacrificing just to find a goddamn cure that might not even exist?!" Minho's voice raised in volume as he grabbed Y/N's shoulders, pushing her back.

"It does exist!" Y/N shouted, "And WICKED will find it and then the whole world will be happy again."

"No. Not the whole world. Only the people WICKED choose will survive. They only care about themselves. If you had the Flare, I'd doubt they'd give you the cure if they didn't have enough."

"So? I've done my job."

"Goddammit. Why won't you shucking remember!" Minho almost tackled Y/N with how hard he crashed into her. The two fell to the ground, Y/N taking the worst of it.

"Why won't you remember?!" Minho shook her shoulders, "You hated WICKED! You wanted them gone! And now you're working for them again! They're bad, Y/N. Don't you understand?!"

"No. WICKED is good."

Another flash of burning agony rushed through Y/N's body. Her arm twitched, and she clenched her jaw so tight that she was scared it'd break.

"Remember, Y/N, no matter what anyone tells you, WICKED is not good."

A quiet voice inside Y/N's head whispered to her, repeating the exact phrase over and over again.

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