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Thomas slammed a ripped-up map onto the table, quickly unfolding it. He pointed at a point on the map that was circled.

"There, that's it. It's a few hundred miles. Based on the railways, everything that Aris told us, that's gotta be where they're headed. That's where they're taking Minho. Y/N'll be there too. We take everyone who can fight and follow the roads where we can. We can make it back within a week." Thomas said, licking his lips.

Vince scoffed in disbelief, trying to knock some sense into Thomas.

"We can't just hang out here forever after what we just pulled. You want to wander off to some random point on the map. You don't even know what's there."

"I do." Yeri intervened, leaning against a stone pillar. She walked towards the group, Jorge following close behind.

"It's been a few years, but I've been there. We both have." Jorge uttered, "The Last City. It was their whole base of operation. If that city is still standing, that's the last place you wanna go, Hermano. That's the lion's den."

"It's nothing we haven't done before." Thomas casually said, shrugging.

"Yeah, with months of planning," Vince butted in, "And reliable information, the element of surprise, none of which we have now.

"Vince, I've thought this through. Would you just hear me out?"

"The last time we went off half-cocked, I lost everything. You remember that?" Vince was referring to the Right Arm camp. He lost all his friends, his comrades, and Mary. "Look, I know it's Minho and Y/N, alright? But you can't ask me to put those kids on the line for one man and a soldier who's probably already forgotten us. I won't do it."

Thomas stayed silent as he thought to himself. If nobody was coming with him, he was willing to go alone. Minho was one of his best friends, and Y/N was just as important.

"Searching the grid now. A is completed. Scanning B-sector now."

Thomas looked up, his eyes widening.

"Shit, hit the lights!"

Everybody scurried to turn off the lights while Vince and Thomas walked outside, staring at the WICKED aircraft scanning the area.

"Jeez, they're getting close," Vince muttered. Thomas hummed.

"You're right. We can't stay here." He muttered. Thomas had already made up his mind; as soon as everyone was asleep, he'd leave.

"Where do you think you're going then?" Unfortunately, his friends knew him better than he expected.

"Newt," Thomas breathed out as his blonde friend turned on a light, sighing.

"Don't be a twat about it," Newt said, walking closer towards Thomas, "I'm already in. Come on."

"No. No, not this time. Look, even if we find Minho, there's no guarantee we'll make it back from this." Thomas frantically shook his head, refusing to let his friend come along.

"Well, you'll need all the help you can get then, won't you?" Newt ignored Thomas' warning and opened the car door, revealing Frypan and Yeri. Newt smiled as he leaned against the vehicle, arms folded over his chest. Thomas scoffed. "Well, we started this together. May as well end it that way, too."

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