Guilty feelings and regretful sorrows

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Snake, Webs, Shark, Piranha and Chief Luggins are all still at the police station in her office.

"I can't believe... he's suffering this much because of something we did... it's not fair!" Snake weeps angrily.

"Hey, we can't dwell on that now. I know it's horrible but right now Wolf needs us more than ever. The sooner we get him out of this mess the sooner we can move on with our lives... the best we can after all of this at least." Webs says sadly.

"I know but... what if it goes wrong again? What if Charles realizes what we are trying to do and then does something even worse to Wolf?" Snake says in an almost monotone 'I've lost hope' type voice.

"We just have to have faith that this time won't be like that time." Piranha says in a less-enthusiastic voice than normal for obvious reasons.

"That's right. We won't know unless we try. I know it's risky and I'm honestly not sure if I want to go through with this myself, but it's either this or we somehow get 100 million dollars..." Shark looks down in shame, knowing that it's partially his fault everyone is in this situation in the first place.

"What do you think we should do chief?" Webs asks.

The chief is honestly unsure herself. "Uh, well. I think we should keep this to ourselves first and foremost. The less people know about this the better, because it also means Charles is less likely to pick up on our plan."

"I concur. I'll start tracing this whack jobs location right now." Webs says as she begins typing away at her hacking laptop.

"I hope you don't mind that Webs is hacking chief." Snake half-jokes nervously.

The chief simply grins. "I'll let it slide this time. This is an emergency situation."

"Thanks." Snake says as Luggins just nods in response.

"Any luck hermana?" Piranha asks.

"Yeah! I got the new location! It says he's a few miles from here." The spider hacker says excitedly.

"Alright, let's go!" Shark says.

"Not so fast!" Chief says, causing everyone to look back at her nervously.

She smiles. "We'll take my cruiser."

And so the police chief along with the non-mammal members of The Bad Guys go to hopefully rescue their leader/former rival.

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