The chief's suprising idea

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Back at the event, Piranha has finished singing all the songs they had planned out. In total, they raised 250 million dollars. A significant amount, to be sure, but still a far cry away from the goal.

"Rats! We couldn't cut it!" Shark shouts.

"It's okay chico, we just need to come up with more ideas." Piranha suggests.

"Right, and I know just the thing!" Chief Luggins says enthusiastically, much to the confusion of the two fish men.


Back at the hideout, Webs is in her room typing away on her laptop, while Snake and Wolf are on the couch together.

Snake is having the time of his life taking advantage of Wolf. 😈😏

And, if he were being honest with himself, being fucked senseless by the serpent while at the mercy of the old grump was very much a turn on. In fact, he enjoyed it so much that his dick was erect from his sheath, arousal managing to overpower the paralysis in that area.  

"Mmmmm!" Wolf groaned happily. Despite being paralyzed, he was in absolute heaven.

"That's it buddy, I'll make you feel good." Snake cooed right in the wolf's ear.

After about an hour of fooling around, Snake decides to get himself cleaned up. "I'll be right back sugar, don't worry I'll get you cleaned up." He cooes as he slithers off to the bathroom.

20 minutes later he comes back all cleaned up, ready to do the same for his furry friend. He wipes him down softly with a cloth soaked in warm water.

"I hope that feels nice buddy." Snake cooes. Wolf moans happily in response.

After all the "evidence" of their little game was erased, Snake brings the cloth back to the bathroom and slithers back to Wolf.

"Alright, what do you want to do? Blink twice for a movie or three times for nap." The serpent asks the canine.

The canine blinks twice. Movie it is.

"Hey Webs! What do you think! Should I put a movie on that Wolf doesn't like just to screw with him?" Snake calls out.

Webs chuckles from in her room. "Nah, poor guy's going through enough. Give the fella a break!" She calls back.

The serpent laughs. "Yeah, you're right. Hehehe."

Wolf can't help but find this funny. Of course he'd think about doing that, the little bugger. Also, he'll have to remember to thank Webs later.

"Alright, time to pick a movie I know you'll love. Ooh how about oceans 11?" Snake asked, earning an obviously positive moan from Wolf.

Snake chuckles. "Okay buddy. I'll press play. Talk about Netflix and chill."

After the movie, the elevator door opens, revealing Shark, Piranha, and Luggins.

"Hey y'all! We're back!" Shark yells.

"Man that was crazy! We managed to raise 250 million dollars!" Piranha exclaims, earning a disappointed groan from Wolf.

"Hey, hey, don't worry pal. We'll get there!" Snake uses the end of his tail to gently pat Wolf on the head.

"Hey where's Webs?" Shark asks.

"Yeah, the chief has this crazy idea and everyone should hear it." Piranha says.

"Oh, she's in her room. Uh, Wolf? Can you go get her please?" Snake jokes, chuckling.

Everyone else laughs at this. Normally Wolf would've rolled his eyes but this time he found it funny. This is what friends do, they bust each other's balls. (In their case figuratively AND literally.)

Snake slithers over to the tarantula's room, knocking on the door with the tip of his tail.

"Hey, Webs! The others are back and chief has a cool idea she wants us all to hear." Snake shouts.

"Oh, okay coming!" Webs responds.

Webs uses a cool contraption the gang built for her to open the door, and then she crawls out and makes her way to the couch, onto Wolf's shoulder.

"You don't mind I'm here right Wolfie?" She asks, earning a positive moan from the canine, ensuring that it was alright.

With that settled, they then move on to Chief Luggins.

"Alright Chief so what's up?" Webs asks.

The chief then begins to explain her plan. "Okay, well. First of all, I know this is probably very shocking to hear coming from me of all people, but. Since this is an emergency situation and everyone is desperate, I've decided to allow Webs to hack into various banks to get some money. We don't want one bank to have to deal with 750 million dollars missing so I figured I'd it's spread out it won't be as bad."

Everyone is shocked at this plan, especially Wolf. "Wow... she's willing to make all these exceptions just for me? She really is a good person underneath that tough exterior." He thought to himself.

"Wow, I didn't expect that coming from you." Piranha says.

"Yeah, no kidding. Major shocker!" Shark agrees.

"Heh, yeah. I know. But hey, I'm willing to do anything to make Wolf better. I know we've had our... differences in the past, to put it lightly. But I really do feel bad for him." She admitted.

"Awww chief." Webs cooes.

"Don't make me blush." Luggins chuckles.

"Look, chief. We really do appreciate all of this. I honestly can't even thank you enough!" Snake is abnormally chippy.

"Well, hey. No need to thank me really. I mean I'd have to be a sociopath not to care." She jokes, earning a laugh from the others.

"Heh, true that." Webs agrees. She then pulls out her trusty hacker laptop and begins to type away furiously, only to frown suddenly.

"Oh no. What's wrong chica?" Piranha asks.

"They... updated their security. Even I couldn't possibly get through this shit! God... I'm so sorry Wolfie... everyone." She sighs.

"Hey, it's okay! We'll figure something else out." Shark reassures.

"Yeah, it's all good. It was a crazy plan anyway." Luggins chuckles.

Snake looks over to Wolf, noticing a tear drip down his face. "Hey hey hey buddy it's gonna be okay. I promise you, we'll get you better, one way or another." The serpent cooes while rubbing his tail against his back.

"Man, poor Wolf." Piranha says sympathetically.

"Yeah..." Webs lowers her head in shame, as if blaming herself for this.

Everyone begins to think of a new way to help Wolf, when Snake gets a really crazy idea, even more crazy than the chief's.

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