46. Response

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Big question from the last chapter, right? When did that scene happen?

Then here's the answer!

Yoo Ae's POV

I never thought that I would cry like this. "I--I.." My words are cut by incoherent breathing. "I thi-nk.. I-- I p-pushed h-him away.."

"No. Don't say that.." Mark oppa answered as he carresses my back slowly. "Ssshh.. stop crying now."

Still, I keep on sobbing uncontrollably. "Op-pa.. he won't a-void me.. r-right?"

He sighed. I could hear his breathing clearly since he is embracing me to calm me down.

A lot of stuff entered my mind at this moment.

Yes, I said I want Jaebum oppa to stop everything he is doing for me. That I just wanna be friends with him and that's all.

But suddenly..

I felt scared..

Really scared.


Anxious of tomorrow.

"Oppa.. did I..?" I asked Mark oppa again. "Did I-- do-- do the right thing? What if-- what if he----"

"STOP IT!!!"

Mark oppa suddenly raised his voice.

And even though I am not in the right state of mind, I can sense his irritation.

He pulled his hair with his two hands then covered his face with it massaging his forehead.

I was not prepared to see his sudden outburst that I just stared at him without moving. Except that I'm still breathing incoherently because of my crying.

"Stop minding that guy." Mark oppa stated as he faced me. His voice lowered but emphasizing each word.

Then he puts his hands on my face, cupping my cheeks. "That bastard doesn't have the right to make you cry." He said almost in a whisper. "Yoo Ae.. don't cry for that guy."

But no matter how much he tells me to stop crying, my tears just won't stop from falling.

And the more he tells me to stop, the more I cry harder.

"Mark op-pa.." I shook my head. "I can't--- I can't stop--------"

But I wasn't able to finish my sentence.

My eyes were left open in shock.


kissed me.

But why..

didn't it feel a thing?

Mark's POV

I did it.

I kissed her.

I was frustrated seeing her cry like crazy over a jerk like Jaebum.

There's no other jerk like him. In loved with a girl for 15 years without even confessing, and then what? Leave the girl behind crying so much without even knowing how to stop? How dare he?

Yoo Ae pulled away.

"Yoo Ae.."

He looked shocked but didn't say a word.

"I'm sorry."

She took one step backward. Right. Of course. This is what I get after I startled her. Serves me right.

But no.. this shouldn't be.

"Look, Yoo Ae.. I.." but she took another step backward. "No. Don't. Please.." I wanted to hold her arm to stop her, but my conscience is telling me not to. "Could you give just.. just.. 30 seconds to explain."

I took a step forward to be closer to her. Seems like she granted me that 30 seconds since she didn't move.

"Yoo Ae.."

Breath in. Breath out.

"I like you."

There I said it.

"And I hate seeing you cry because of him. I hate even seeing you smile or laugh with him."

I am hoping to get a reaction from her but he just stood there with an unreadable facial expression.

"I never meant to tell you this.. in this way.. in this situation but.." I sighed again. "I'm just.. I'm just out of my mind lately."

There is still no response from her.

"And maybe.. maybe you've already heard about the reason why I came back here in Korea.. but.. I have to be honest.. that's no longer the case now, Yoo Ae."

Taking the courage to hold her hands, she let me. "I'm now in loved with you. I've realized a lot of things after I met you.."

"..that I was just trying to live in the past guilt that I had for Seulgi mistaking it to be still.. love.. but no. It isn't."

"..but I never regretted going back here.. coz I met you."

"..you who became the reason why I smile.."

"..so Kim Yoo Ae.. will you give me a chance?"

Please Yoo Ae.. response.
Shout out to @_syahidaa and @Clarekim2 for the votes and comments.

And @bluehairedgurrl1234 as well!

Imma update again tomorrow. Please give me time for the next chapters.

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