02 | I'm an esper

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" come to think of it, what's your name again?"

Said Reigen Arataka

a 14 year old junior high school boy who just brought a 28 year old stranger he had just met to his house in the middle of the night while he casually prepared tea.

"Isn't that kinda too late?"

Said the man sitting in his room awkwardly.

" Well I just forgot"

little info, the man has taken a shower and is wearing a plain white shirt that he carries in his bag at the house of a child he doesn't know.

he thinking that this kid was carelessly talking to a stranger, and even brought him to his house.

' I mean what if I can just kill him?'

But little did he know, he's the one that being kidnapped

" Just call me Mob "

" Mob-san? Is that even a real na- uwah"

reigen tripped over the table making the tea he was carrying fly towards the man.

" Ahh you'll get burn-"


The green tea and ceramic cups floated in the air like they were outer space. The same strange light wrapped them from the Man's finger.

" I'm an esper"

the glass landed smoothly on the table as if it had never floated before. reigen who was standing with his knees and hands on the floor slightly trembled. he then shouted

" Master!!"

" ...Master?"

" Master Mob, please take me as your disciple!"

" No "

" So fast?!"

Reigen staring at him with a brimming eyes. He coming closer to Mob

" C'mon master, I will die of curiosity."

Mob calmly drank tea without listening to reigen's words.

" Reigen-kun isn't it?"

he saw the nameplate in front of the house before.

" Just Reigen. Reigen Arataka. Nice to meet you"

'this kid is being too friendly'

" this isn't something you can get by wishing. it's a talent from birth"

" W-well I'm kind of psychic too. so you just need to hone my talent.. "

Mob goes silent for a moment before drinking his tea again. He then said to Reigen

" So that you know I'm not showing this to people. And for me to teaching is kinda..."

" Eehhh? Why? If you show this to anyone they'll be amazed for sure "

'that's the problem'

What happen to Mob in the past hold his word to came out and he just silently stare at the reflection of himself on the green tea.

Looking at Mob's face, Reigen know there must be something happen to him related to his power. He kind of good to read people by himself

" Why don't you have a house master? "

he tried to save that topic for later. now listening to his problem will probably make Mob rilex a little more.

" It's not your business"

Mob Psycho 100 : ageswap AUWhere stories live. Discover now