06 | A Great Master

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" yo ! Good morning partner "

Ekubo floats right in front of Mob's face. unlike last night, his current form was just a wisp of glowing green spirit. As Mob still progress what happen, Ekubo just keep talking

" Surprised? Well you know the saying, yesterday's enemy could be today's friend..."

Without saying anything, Mob grab the top of Ekubo's head

" What? Handshake? "

Slam slam slam

" Ouch what are you- wait stop! Please stop"

after slamming Ekubo multiple times into the wall, Mob lets him go

" Man the heck with you?! "

" I wonder if it's a dream... "

" People would pinch their own cheeks at time like that right? Normally! "

Mob thinking for a while before asking

" ...Who?"

" Ekubo! The one that had a fight to death with you last night"

" Ah there's still some left huh... "

Mob bring his hand towards Ekubo to finish him up. Ekubo freaking out and scream for his life

" Wait listen! I don't want to spend the rest of my life as spirit! "

" So let me end it here "

" Eeeeepppl seriously!!! "

surely everyone had a dream once, of course Ekubo too. And that is to stand on the top of all living being, to be a god. That's why he made the (LOL) religion which has been destroyed by Mob.

" I don't want to disappear yet... I won't do anymore bad things "

Ekubo trembling so bad crying for his life. He know there's no chance of him to win against Mob.

Looking at that, a little sympathy grow inside Mob. It's not like Mob hates they who comes from the far shore. Even Though Mob hates his power and avoid to use it, he can't help but seeing them everyday.

Mob seeing them equally as any other living being.

The other reason is, from yesterday's events, Mob learned that he needs someone to command him if he is going to exorcist something. Nobody knows what will happen if he do that by his own will.

" Okay. As long as you don't do anything "

Mob left Ekubo in fear as he waking up from the bed. Mob opened the cupboard and changed his clothes. In other hand, Ekubo talking to himself with hidden evil face

' heh, I'll posses your body the moment the opportunity shows '

Ekubo come closer to Mob as he talking

" You live pretty normal huh partner... "

" I'm not your partner. If you call me that again I'll exorcist you "

" S-sorry my bad. You didn't tell me your name anyway... "

" It's weird enough that I talked to you so know your limit. It be better if you stay invisible mode "

Mob who is used to living alone makes his heart cold to humans. ekubo who was just an evil spirit didn't stand a chance.

Keep his guard on, Ekubo just silently watch Mob cooking breakfast. He keep visible for Mob as he wanted to get his attention even though it risk his life.

while Mob was chopping vegetables, there was a sudden knock at the front door. Mob just looking at the door wonder who might it be but still didn't open it.

Mob Psycho 100 : ageswap AUWhere stories live. Discover now