10| Retains Humanity

203 18 5

" Kageyama... "

It was his first name. Since this man and his master are brother, they'll share the same first name. There's no situation to change first name except

" Ritsu-san, you are not married yet right? "

" No. Why is that the first thing you ask? "

So it is their first name. His master's real name is Kageyama

" What's your name? "

" I'm Reigen. Reigen Arataka "

" Reigen-kun, I have a few question for you so tell me the truth okay? "

" ... Sure "

But before Ritsu can asked the first question, two other people appeared from outside the alley and ran towards them with pistols pointed. the gunshot from before must be the one called more of them

" They here! Get him! "


Shout the other man as he fired the gun.


without flinching a bit, Ritsu fends it off with a barrier.

" Tch they keep coming "

He pull up Reigen to his side and then

" Heh?! Ritsu-san?! Wai-"

he suddenly jumped higher than the building, more like he's flying. Reigen was afraid of heights so he closed his eyes and held on tightly to Ritsu, maybe too tight.

 Reigen was afraid of heights so he closed his eyes and held on tightly to Ritsu, maybe too tight

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His stomach was being squeezed like he was on a diet. they lose balance.

" Stop moving you brat! Are you trying to kill us?! "

" That's my damn line!! "

" Why you little- "

They fighting mid air


they finally landed on the roof of a building. Ritsu forcibly let go of Reigen who was still holding him tightly.

" We're down. Get off me already! "

Reigen opened his eyes before standing up properly. it was dark there and the only light came from the traffic lights under the building. even though Ritsu said they had gone down but this building is also very high so he stay away from the edge as soon as possible.

he would die if he fell.

Come to think of it, there was no proof that this person was really his master's brother. Nothing but self claimed. Killing a mid schooler without trace would be taking candy from a baby for those esper.

he analyzed Ritsu who was watching the traffic below. he checked to see if anyone was following them.

" Now it's the two of us. We can talk here "

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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