07| Interest

141 13 2

it has been two days since the spirit and such office first opened. yesterday they only got one customer which is an ex co-worker of Reigen, Kurata Tome

today, they have completed two request and tomorrow, they have three appointments. that's pretty good for a business just starting out. So far, Mob and Reigen are doing well.

in between breaks, Reigen was reading manga at his desk. he doesn't talk much today but he is quite normal. Mob is a little worried that the woman named Tome is telling him something she shouldn't

'Whatever she saying, looks like Reigen didn't mind it too much'

Or so he thinks

the manga Reigen is reading is his favorite comic that just came out today. He can't take his eyes out of the page untill a voice called for him

" ... Reigen? "

It was Mob

" Yes? "

They look at each other for a few sec without saying anything. Reigen once again asked

" ... What's the matter master? "

" No... 'what' you say... There's a client... "

Mob pointed beside Reigen to the hall that connected with front door. Reigen turned around and didn't see anyone

" I don't see anyone... ? "

The truth is there is someone

In Mob's eyes, that person standing there and said

" Anu... I'm... I'm a ghost... "

" Eh...? "

Mob don't know what to say but come out a strange confused noise

There's a ghost in the office

A few minutes later, the ghost sitting on the couch with Mob across it. Reigen as usually come with tea but this time, he bring he a plate of senbei as well. He doesn't know wether a ghost can eat or not, but they use it for offerings to the dead.

Reigen then do behind Mob and just stand. He can't see or hear ghost so he doesn't know what to do. Nobody would thought a ghost will come to an exorcism office by themselves.

In the other hand, Mob are not really good to talking to people, well to someone. However, he know that he's an adult here so he can't depend on Reigen forever. He then started the conversation like the way Reigen would do

" Um... So how can we help you miss? "

it was a teenage female ghost in a sailor uniform. She answered in a slightly embarrassed voice

" I'm sorry... I don't know where to go so I just get here seeing the sign... Did you think you can help me find my name?..."

" ... Excuse me? "

" I... I can't go to the afterlife without my name... I somehow just forget it... "

It's was the first time Mob heard about this phenomenon.

' how is this make sense??  '

Reigen see his master make a hard face asked

" How is it master? "

" She asked if we can find out her name it looks like she forget about it and she can't go to afterlife "

" Huh is that how it works? ... "

" What do you think? I can just exorcist her with my power? "

" I mean if that would solve her problem Im okay with it? "

Mob Psycho 100 : ageswap AUWhere stories live. Discover now